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使用 Amazon SES 时要排队吗?

[英]Queue when using Amazon SES?

i implement a small bulk-mail sending tool in rails based on the Amazon SES service and action mailer.我在 Rails 中实现了一个基于 Amazon SES 服务和操作邮件程序的小型批量邮件发送工具。 i read that amazon queues my sent messages before sending them out itself.我读到亚马逊将我发送的消息排入队列,然后再将它们发送出去。

so my question: does that mean i don't need to implement a message-queue myself (eg 50 mails per 5 minutes) against blacklisting and does amazon that job for me and i just transfer 5000 mails to it?所以我的问题是:这是否意味着我不需要自己实施一个消息队列(例如每 5 分钟 50 封邮件)反对黑名单,亚马逊为我做这项工作,我只需将 5000 封邮件转移给它?

You need to divide them into groups of 50 (see documentation Note at http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/ ) first.您需要首先将它们分成 50 个组(请参阅http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/上的文档说明)。 Also see "Managing your Sending Activity" on that page (it's ajax-driven, so there's no other URL).另请参阅该页面上的“管理您的发送活动”(它是 ajax 驱动的,因此没有其他 URL)。 I would use Delayed Job for the queue: http://railscasts.com/episodes/171-delayed-job .我会为队列使用延迟作业: http://railscasts.com/episodes/171-delayed-job

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