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最小化时控件的大小 (GetWindowPlacement)

[英]Size of controls when minimized (GetWindowPlacement)

It seems that GetWindowPlacement can only return the size of a minimized window .似乎 GetWindowPlacement 只能返回最小化window的大小。

Is it possible to get the size of the individual controls inside that window when the window is minimized?当 window 最小化时,是否可以获得 window内部各个控件的大小?

WINDOWPLACEMENT .rcNormalPosition is defined as: WINDOWPLACEMENT .rcNormalPosition 定义为:

The window's coordinates when the window is in the restored position.当 window 在恢复的 position 中时窗口的坐标。

To get the current size use the GetWindowRect function.要获取当前大小,请使用GetWindowRect function。 There is also an interesting article by Raymond Chen on this topic. Raymond Chen 也有一篇关于这个主题的有趣文章

The following program gives correct size of a control in a minimized window:以下程序给出了最小化 window 中控件的正确大小:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;

struct RECT
     public int L;
     public int T;
     public int R;
     public int B;

static class Program
    void Main()
        RECT r;
        bool result = GetWindowRect(0x00120E34, out r);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} {2} {3} {4}", r.T, r.L, r.B, r.R);

    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    extern bool GetWindowRect(int hwnd, out RECT lpRect);

True: -31948 -31335 -31923 -30761真:-31948 -31335 -31923 -30761

What about GetWindowRect ? GetWindowRect呢? It gives you position and size.它为您提供 position 和尺寸。

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