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c# - 如何为 wpf 设计器设置自定义控件的默认值?

[英]c# - How to set default values of custom controls for wpf designer?

How do I set default values for my custom wpf components?如何为我的自定义 wpf 组件设置默认值? I have a Textfield with the property "public Protection Protection{set;get;}".我有一个属性为“public Protection Protection{set;get;}”的文本字段。 Protection is an enum:保护是一个枚举:

public class Field3270Attributes{
    public enum Protection

The default value should be autoskip but protected is listed as the default value in the wpf designer since its the first element in the enum.默认值应该是 autoskip 但 protected 在 wpf 设计器中列为默认值,因为它是枚举中的第一个元素。 Setting the protection in the Textfield constructor did not help.在 Textfield 构造函数中设置保护没有帮助。 I've tried DependencyProperty which does work but I have to specify a callback(setProtection) if I want any values except the default value to work.我试过 DependencyProperty 确实有效,但如果我想要除默认值以外的任何值都可以工作,我必须指定一个回调(setProtection)。 If I dont specify a callback, changing values inside the wpf designer has no effect.如果我不指定回调,则在 wpf 设计器中更改值无效。 Is there a way to get the same behavior without having to specify callback methods for every property?有没有办法获得相同的行为而不必为每个属性指定回调方法?

public class Textfield{

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ProtectionProperty =
                                        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Field3270Attributes.Protection.PROTECTED, setProtection));

    private static void setProtection(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        Textfield field = (Textfield)sender;
        field.Protection = (Field3270Attributes.Protection)e.NewValue;

    private Field3270Attributes.Protection protection;

    public Field3270Attributes.Protection Protection
            return protection;

            this.protection = value;

            if (value == Field3270Attributes.Protection.UNPROTECTED)
                this.IsReadOnly = false;
                Background = Brushes.White;
                this.IsReadOnly = true;
                Background = Brushes.LightSteelBlue;

    public Textfield3270()

        this.Protection = Field3270Attributes.Protection.PROTECTED;


Your DependencyProperty definition defines the default value.您的DependencyProperty定义定义了默认值。 Change the first parameter in the FrameworkPropertyMetadata from PROTECTED to AUTOSKIPFrameworkPropertyMetadata中的第一个参数从PROTECTED更改为AUTOSKIP

public static readonly DependencyProperty ProtectionProperty =
        new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Field3270Attributes.Protection.AUTOSKIP, setProtection));


You are overwriting your Protection DependencyProperty by implementing your own version with the same name.您正在通过实现您自己的同名版本来覆盖您的Protection DependencyProperty Remove your definition of the Protection {get; set;}删除您对Protection {get; set;} Protection {get; set;} completely. Protection {get; set;}完全。

If you want them to show up in the XAML designer, define the Get/Set as static methods like so:如果您希望它们出现在 XAML 设计器中,请将 Get/Set 定义为 static 方法,如下所示:

public static Field3270Attributes.Protection GetProtection(DependencyObject obj)
    return (Field3270Attributes.Protection)obj.GetValue(ProtectionProperty);

public static void SetProtection(DependencyObject obj, Field3270Attributes.Protection value)
    obj.SetValue(ProtectionProperty, value);

If you want to attach some logic on PropertyChanged, you can use this code in your class constructor:如果要在 PropertyChanged 上附加一些逻辑,可以在 class 构造函数中使用此代码:

DependencyPropertyDescriptor dpd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(Textfield.ProtectionProperty, typeof(Textfield));
if (dpd != null) dpd.AddValueChanged(this, delegate { Protection_Changed(); });

And your changed method would look like this:您更改的方法如下所示:

private void Protection_Changed()
    Field3270Attributes.Protection protection = GetProtection(this);

    // Do something with value

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