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[英]Filter apache files using linux

I'm trying to filter down a heap of apache log files to EXCLUDE all requests that have: 我正在尝试过滤掉一堆apache日志文件到EXCLUDE所有具有以下要求的请求:

  • The pattern /static/ (this is my images/js folder that I want to exclude) 模式/static/ (这是我要排除的images / js文件夹)
  • 10.xxx.xxx.xxx (where x is any number - I don't want internal requests included) 10.xxx.xxx.xxx (其中x是任意数字 - 我不希望包含内部请求)
  • Any response other than "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - only want successes "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200之外的任何响应 - 只需要成功

I have a folder containing multiple .gz files. 我有一个包含多个.gz文件的文件夹。 Is there a way to run a linux command that will do the proper filtering and save the results in a file called apache_log.txt? 有没有办法运行一个linux命令来执行正确的过滤并将结果保存在一个名为apache_log.txt的文件中?

I'm really limited in my linux knowledge so will appreciate any help greatly! 我的Linux知识非常有限,所以非常感谢任何帮助!

For each file *.gz, uncompress and filter out unwanted static and local, and filter wanted "GET 200", and append this in result file. 对于每个文件* .gz,解压缩并过滤掉不需要的静态和本地,并过滤所需的“GET 200”,并将其附加到结果文件中。

for f in *.gz ; do zcat $f | grep -v '/static/' | grep -v '10\.[0-9]\+\.\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+' | grep 'GET / HTTP/1.1" 200' >> apache_log.txt ; done

Or on multiple lines. 或多行。

for f in *.gz
    zcat $f \
        | grep -v '/static/' \
        | grep -v '10\.[0-9]\+\.\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+' \
        | grep 'GET / HTTP/1.1" 200' \
        >> apache_log.txt

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