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[英]bugs in javascript

A couple of unexpected bugs here that I can't figure out. 这里有两个我无法弄清的意外错误。

  1. Clicking the '+' button works all the time except when you '-' all the cloned divs away until there is one left.. then the '+' button no longer works. 单击“ +”按钮一直有效,除非您对所有克隆的div进行“-”,直到剩下一个。。然后,“ +”按钮将不再起作用。
  2. When the div is cloned, it is supposed to clear the checkboxes and radio buttons.. but it doesn't. 克隆div时,应该清除复选框和单选按钮..但不是。 It DOES clear the text fields and the select. 它确实清除文本字段和选择。

General code help always welcome! 通用代码帮助随时欢迎您! Thanks... 谢谢...

    <div class="cloned" id="div1">

    <input type="text" id="_name" name="1_name" placeholder="Field Name" required>
    <input type="text" id="_hint" name="1_hint" placeholder="Hint">

    <select id="_fieldtype" name="1_fieldtype" required>
    <option value="">Field Type...</option>
    <option value="bla">bla</option>
    <option value="blabla">blabla</option>

    <input type="checkbox" id="_required" name="1_required" value="true"> Required
    <input type="checkbox" id="_search" name="1_search" value="true"> Searchable
    <input type="checkbox" id="_editable" name="1_editable" value="true"> Editable
    <input type="radio" id="_label" name="label" value="1_label"> Label
    <input type="radio" id="_unique" name="unique" value="1_unique"> Unique
    <input type="button" class="add" value="+">
    <input type="button" class="remove" value="-">



    function addDiv(){
        window.num = $('.cloned').length;
        var num = $('.cloned').length;
        var newnum = num + 1;
        var newelem = $('#div'+num).clone().attr('id','div'+newnum);
        $.each(newelem.children(), function(){
            if (this.type == 'radio'){
            else if (this.type == 'button'){
            else if (this.type != 'button'){


    function removeDiv(object){
        window.num = $('.cloned').length;
        if (num != 1)


    $('.add').live('click', function(){

    $('.remove').live('click', function(){


for your second problem you have the button repeated change the code to 对于第二个问题,您需要重复按下按钮,将代码更改为

else if (this.type == 'checkbox' || this.type == 'radio'){

the problem of removing the divs is that when you remove the first div and try to clone a new one you are still looking for the first div ie div with id div1 to clone and it cant be found.. this is cos of yo ur weird handling of numbers.. instead just hold a hidden copy of the div always and use the same hidden div to clone it and you odnt have to worry about clearing the contents, checkbox etc. cos it will be in the default state.. 删除div的问题是,当您删除第一个div并尝试克隆一个新的div时,您仍在寻找第一个div,即ID为div1的div要克隆,但是找不到。.这是您很奇怪的原因处理数字..而是始终始终保存div的隐藏副本,并使用相同的隐藏div对其进行克隆,因此您不必担心清除内容,复选框等。它将处于默认状态。

thus you will have 这样你就会有

<div style="display:none" id="masterDiv">

    <input type="text" id="_name" name="1_name" placeholder="Field Name" required>
    <input type="text" id="_hint" name="1_hint" placeholder="Hint">

    <select id="_fieldtype" name="1_fieldtype" required>
    <option value="">Field Type...</option>
    <option value="bla">bla</option>
    <option value="blabla">blabla</option>

    <input type="checkbox" id="_required" name="1_required" value="true"> Required
    <input type="checkbox" id="_search" name="1_search" value="true"> Searchable
    <input type="checkbox" id="_editable" name="1_editable" value="true"> Editable
    <input type="radio" id="_label" name="label" value="1_label"> Label
    <input type="radio" id="_unique" name="unique" value="1_unique"> Unique
    <input type="button" class="add" value="+">
    <input type="button" class="remove" value="-">


and always clone that. 并总是克隆它。

one more thing in general avoid global variables as much as possible.. You never know what might end up changing it.. 总的来说,还有另一件事是尽可能避免使用全局变量。.您永远都不知道最终会改变它。

Really, you should separate your model from your view. 确实,您应该将模型与视图分开。 Not only should you not have to do any of those checks, the fact that you're doing them means that your structure could be improved. 您不仅不必进行任何这些检查,而且您在进行检查的事实意味着可以改进您的结构。

See the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/cnJa9/3/ 参见小提琴: http : //jsfiddle.net/cnJa9/3/

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