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MVC 3模型foreach过滤器

[英]MVC 3 model foreach filter

I have the following razor syntax 我有以下剃刀语法

     foreach (var p in Model)

I would like to filter the foreach loop to only look at the Model records where p.City = "New York" 我想过滤foreach循环只看模型记录p.City =“New York”

What would my syntax look like ? 我的语法是什么样的?

I hope that I am explaing this right. 我希望我正在解释这一点。

Thanks 谢谢

 @foreach (var p in Model.Where(i => i.City == "New York")) { 

You might decide to do this filtering in the controller action, depending on whether you need other model records that don't have a city of "New York" in your view or not. 您可能决定在控制器操作中执行此过滤,具体取决于您是否需要在视图中没有“纽约”城市的其他模型记录。

You can use LINQ ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397896.aspx ) extension methods like "Where" to apply the filter. 您可以使用LINQ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397896.aspx )扩展方法,如“Where”来应用过滤器。 You also don't need the outer "@{}", you can just put an "@" in front of the foreach and Razor will figure out what you mean. 你也不需要外面的“@ {}”,你可以在foreach前放一个“@”,Razor会弄明白你的意思。 Something like: 就像是:

@foreach (var p in Model.Where(item => item.City == "New York")) {

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