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[英]Problem using user-defined table type with generated database deployment script

I'm having a strange issue with VS2010's database project not able to execute a generated deployment script that uses a user-defined table type in an SP's parameter list. 我在VS2010的数据库项目中遇到一个奇怪的问题,该项目无法执行在SP的参数列表中使用用户定义的表类型的生成的部署脚本。 I get the following error when executing the deployment script: 执行部署脚本时出现以下错误:

Error SQL01268: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 137, Level 16, State 1, Procedure AppSearch, Line 36 Must declare the scalar variable "@platforms". 错误SQL01268:.Net SqlClient数据提供程序:消息137,级别16,状态1,过程AppSearch,第36行必须声明标量变量“ @platforms”。

The @platforms variable here is a user-defined table type, that is defined simply like this: @platforms变量是用户定义的表类型,其定义如下:

    Id      uniqueidentifier

The stored procedure that I am creating looks like the following, which uses the UDDT as one of its parameters: 我正在创建的存储过程如下所示,它使用UDDT作为其参数之一:

PRINT N'Creating [dbo].[AppSearch]...';

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[AppSearch]
    @nameContains           nvarchar(30),
    @descriptionContains    nvarchar(max),
    @isEditorsPick          bit,
    @dateAddedStart         datetime,
    @dateAddedEnd           datetime,
    @platforms              IdList      readonly
        l.Id as [LibraryId],
        l.Name as [LibraryName],
        l.Description as [LibraryDescription],
        c.Id as [CategoryId],
        c.Name as [CategoryName],
        c.Description as [CategoryDescription],
        a.Id as [AppId],
        a.Name as [AppName],
        a.Description as [AppDescription],
        a.IsEditorsPick as [AppIsEditorsPick],
        a.DateAdded as [AppDateAdded],
        p.Id as [PlatformId],
        p.Name as [PlatformName],
        p.Architecture as [PlatformArchitecture]
        Library l
        inner join Category c               on l.Id = c.ParentLibraryId
        inner join App a                    on c.Id = a.ParentCategoryId
        inner join AppSupportedPlatform px  on a.Id = px.AppId
        inner join Platform p               on px.PlatformId = p.Id
            (@nameContains is not null and a.Name like '%' + @nameContains + '%')
        and (@descriptionContains is not null and a.Description like '%' + @descriptionContains + '%')
        and (@isEditorsPick is not null and a.IsEditorsPick = @isEditorsPick)
        and (@dateAddedStart is not null and @dateAddedEnd is not null and a.DateAdded between @dateAddedStart and @dateAddedEnd)
        and (@platforms is not null and p.Id in (select Id from @platforms))

The deployment script gets executed using SQLCMD mode. 使用SQLCMD模式执行部署脚本。 Any ideas on why I'm getting the above error? 关于为什么会出现上述错误的任何想法?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Consider that a table type should act somewhat like a table. 考虑一个表类型应该有点像一个表。 You can't say "if TABLE is NOT NULL" so why should you be able to say "if TABLE TYPE is NOT NULL"? 您不能说“如果TABLE NOT NOT NULL”,那么为什么要说“如果TABLE TYPE NOT NOT NULL”呢? I haven't used TVPs extensively, but how about checking that the TVP is not empty: 我没有广泛使用TVP,但是如何检查TVP是否为空:

AND (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @platforms) AND p.Id IN (SELECT Id FROM @platforms));

The latter might be enough (again that is more from lack of playing with TVPs than anything) or maybe: 后者可能就足够了(再次,这主要是由于缺乏与TVP一起玩比什么都没有),或者也许是:

AND (p.Id IN (SELECT Id FROM @platforms) OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @platforms));

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