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[英]How to pass parameters to referenced javascript file from razor view

If i have such javascript in my razor veiw: 如果我在我的剃须刀中有这样的javascript

    Grid grid = @Model.GetGridFromModel();

    Bool isSomething = @Model.GetSomething();

    Bool isSomethingMore  = @Model.GetSomehtingMore();

    Bool isSomethingElse = @Model.GetSomethingElse()

    int caseCount = 0;

$(document).ready(function () {    
        show: function (event, ui) {        
            switch (ui.index) {
            @if (isSomething){
                case @caseCount:                    



                case @caseCount:


            @if (isSomethingElseMore){
                case @caseCount:

    funciton change(id)
    //doing somehting;

So i want to put that javascript in separate file and reference that file to my view, and the problem is how may i pass values from razor to javascript when javascript in separate file? 所以我想把这个javascript放在单独的文件中并将该文件引用到我的视图中,问题是当我在单独的文件中javascript时,如何将值从razor传递给javascript?

Javascript are files without being parsed by the compiler, so, you have no chance... Javascript是没有被编译器解析的文件,所以,你没有机会......

What you can do however is to use a dynamic javascript, for example: 但是你可以做的是使用动态javascript,例如:

<script src="/CustomScripts/scripts.js"><script>

Have a route that says: 有一条说:

    "CustomScripts", "CustomScripts/{id}",
    new { controller = "Scripts", action = "GetFile" }

Create your controler and use a simple return View(); 创建你的控制器并使用一个简单的return View(); like 喜欢

public ActionResult GetFile(string id)
    // use id as you please

    // pass any Model you want

    return View();

In that view, just put your javascript with Razor syntax . 在该视图中,只需将您的JavaScript与Razor语法一起使用即可

Or you can use variables and load them up make the use of RenderSection() 或者你可以使用变量并加载它们使用RenderSection()

in your _Layout.cshtml file add a section in your <head> before any other javascript 在你的_Layout.cshtml文件中,在任何其他javascript之前在<head>添加一个部分

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    @RenderSection("script_variables", false)

    <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.6.2.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/modernizr-2.0.6-development-only.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>    

and in any View that you want to add such variables, just do: 并且在任何View中你想要添加这些变量,只需:

@Section script_variables {

    <script type="text/javascript">

        var variableA = '@MyVarA',
            variableB = '@MyVarB',
            variableC = '@MyVarC';



And all other files that you load the script will have such code... 加载脚本的所有其他文件都将包含此类代码...

You might declare some js-variables on your page and then use those variables from the .js-file 您可以在页面上声明一些js变量,然后使用.js文件中的那些变量

You might call a function inside your .js-file and send your data as arguments 您可以在.js文件中调用函数并将数据作为参数发送

(Please consider creating one object and fill with your data instead of creating multiple variables.) (请考虑创建一个对象并填充数据,而不是创建多个变量。)

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