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[英]XPath expression to select all nodes

I would like to find all <Field /> nodes (that may be arbitrarily nested) inside a given XmlNode. 我想在给定的XmlNode中找到所有<Field />节点(可以任意嵌套)。

If do something like this: 如果执行以下操作:

foreach(XmlNode n in node.SelectNodes('//Field'))...

This returns all nodes in the entire document, not all nodes under node . 这将返回整个文档中的所有节点,而不是node下的所有node

Is this how XPath is supposed to work? 这是XPath应该如何工作的吗? I looked at some documents and it seems like the //Node query should be scoped to whatever node it's invoked at. 我查看了一些文档,似乎//Node查询的作用域应为调用它的任何节点。

Is there any other technique to select all nodes with a given name that are under a specific node? 是否有其他技术可以选择特定节点下具有给定名称的所有节点?

If you use '//Field' it's absolut from the root of the document. 如果您使用'//Field'则它是从文档根目录开始的绝对值。 To search relative to the current node, just use './/Field' . 要相对于当前节点进行搜索,只需使用'.//Field'


Use ./Field . 使用./Field

  • .// Means descendants, which includes children of children (and so forth). .//后代,其中包括孩子的孩子(依此类推)。
  • ./ Means direct children. ./直系子女。

If a XPath starts with a / it becomes relative to the root of the document; 如果XPath以/开头,则它相对于文档的根目录; to make it relative to your own node start it with ./ . 使它相对于您自己的节点以./开头。

You can use simple linq query like this: 您可以使用简单的linq查询,如下所示:

var techLeads = (from value in element.Descendants ("Manager")
where value.Attribute ("Name").Value == "Mgr1"
select value).Descendants("TechLead");

Sample Xml: 样本Xml:

 <Employees> <Manager Name="Mgr1"> <TechLead Name="TL1" /> <TechLead Name="TL2" /> </Manager> </Employees> 



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