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我怎样才能获得android Honeycomb系统的屏幕宽度和高度?

[英]How can I get android Honeycomb system's screen width and height?

my code: 我的代码:

Display display = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();

System.out.println("screen width:"+displayMetrics.widthPixels);
System.out.println("screen heigth:"+displayMetrics.heightPixels);

when I run this program in android Honeycomb system,the output is 800 and 1232 but the device's screen is 800_1280,hao can I get it? 当我在android Honeycomb系统中运行这个程序时,输出是800和1232,但设备的屏幕是800_1280,我可以得到它吗? thanks. 谢谢。

This piece of code works for me (if you don't mind to use undocumented methods): 这段代码适合我(如果你不介意使用未记录的方法):

Display d = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int width, height;

Method mGetRawH;
Method mGetRawW;
try {
    mGetRawH = Display.class.getMethod("getRawWidth");
    mGetRawW = Display.class.getMethod("getRawHeight");
    width = (Integer) mGetRawW.invoke(d);
    height = (Integer) mGetRawH.invoke(d);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {

//You should care about orientation here
int o = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
if (o == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) {
    if (width > height) {
        int tmp = width;
        width = height;
        height = tmp;
} else if (o == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
    if (width < height) {
        int tmp = width;
        width = height;
        height = tmp;

Log.d("d", "w=" + width + " h=" + height);

1280 x 752 - landscape 800 x 1232 - portrait 1280 x 752 - 风景800 x 1232 - 肖像

This 48 px are for the Andriod default notification bar... 这个48像素用于Andriod默认通知栏...

Actually device full screen width=800 and height=1280 (including status bar, title bar) . 设备全屏width=800 and height=1280 (including status bar, title bar) If you run your code to get display size, the system will not include status bar height and title bar height, so you will get height as 1232 (1280-(status bar height + title bar height)) . 如果运行代码以获得显示大小,系统将不包括状态栏高度和标题栏高度,因此您将获得height as 1232 (1280-(status bar height + title bar height))

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