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.schema for postgres

[英].schema for postgres

I'm migrating a database from sqlite3 to postgres and am wondering if there are any short tutorials that can teach me the new syntax. 我正在将数据库从sqlite3迁移到postgres,我想知道是否有任何简短的教程可以教我新的语法。

Also, as a short term question, how do I see the schema of a postgres table which is equivalent to .schema in sqlite? 另外,作为一个短期问题,我如何看到postgres表的模式,它等同于sqlite中的.schema

You could use pg_dump command line utility, ie: 您可以使用pg_dump命令行实用程序,即:

pg_dump --table <table_name> --schema-only <database_name>

Depending on your environment you probably need to specify connection options (-h, -p, -U switches). 根据您的环境,您可能需要指定连接选项(-h,-p,-U开关)。

You could use \\d from within psql : 您可以在psql使用\\d

=> \?

  (options: S = show system objects, + = additional detail)
  \d[S+]                 list tables, views, and sequences
  \d[S+]  NAME           describe table, view, sequence, or index

=> \d people
                                           Table "public.people"
         Column         |            Type             |                      Modifiers                      
 id                     | integer                     | not null default nextval('people_id_seq'::regclass)
 created_at             | timestamp without time zone | not null
 updated_at             | timestamp without time zone | not null
    "people_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Check constraints:
    "chk_people_latlng" CHECK ((lat IS NULL) = (lng IS NULL))

You can also root around in the information_schema if you're not inside psql . 如果你不在psql中,你也可以在information_schema根。

If you are using psql (and \\d... ) then you can 如果您正在使用psql(和\\ d ...),那么您可以


to see the sql for the queries that psql is executing to put together the \\d... output-- this is useful not only as sql syntax examples but it also shows you where find, and how to connect, the database metadata. 查看psql正在执行的查询的sql以将\\ d ...输出放在一起 - 这不仅可以用作sql语法示例,还可以显示查找和如何连接数据库元数据的位置。

To get the schema name for a table you can: 要获取表的模式名称,您可以:

SELECT  n.nspname AS schema_name,
        c.relname AS table_name
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
     LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname = '<table_name>'

(don't know how that compares to .schema) (不知道与.schema相比如何)

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