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[英]How to get a list of types that my class depends on in Ndepend?

Using Ndepend; 使用Ndepend; How can I get a list of all types ( types only from the same assembly ) that my class is using? 如何获取我的班级正在使用的所有类型( 仅来自同一程序集的类型)的列表?

If there is any way to do this other than Ndepend, I'm open to suggestions. 如果除了Ndepend之外还有其他方法可以这样做,我欢迎您提出建议。

First right click the type and ask for types that I use directly : 首先,右键单击该类型并询问我直接使用的类型 在此处输入图片说明

Second, a CQL query has been generated for you, and you can explore the result and group types used by assembly and/or namespaces. 其次,已经为您生成了CQL查询,您可以浏览程序集和/或名称空间使用的结果和组类型。


Third, you can refine the query to match only types for one or several particular assemblies: 第三,您可以优化查询以仅匹配一个或几个特定程序集的类型:


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