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应用程式未在Android Market上显示

[英]app not showing up on android market

I finished uploading my app to android market an hour ago. 一个小时前,我已经完成了将应用程序上载到android市场的工作。
I did all the steps recommended here . 我做了这里推荐的所有步骤。
I also have my copy off. 我也有我的副本。 Its paid and and I set up a merchant account too. 它已付款,我也建立了一个商人帐户。
My app is not showing on the market. 我的应用未在市场上展示。 How long does it take to show up? 出现需要多长时间?
And why is not showing up? 为什么不出现?
Is there any setting I am missing that I should do? 我缺少我应该做的任何设置吗?

Could be one of several reasons: 可能是以下几种原因之一:

  1. Delay - Market does sometimes take a little while to show new or updated apps. 延迟 -市场有时有时需要一段时间才能显示新的或更新的应用。
  2. Manifest - your AndroidManifest.xml may be too restrictive, so your app will not show up in the Market app of your test device (even if that's the same device you used for testing) 清单 -您的AndroidManifest.xml可能过于严格,因此您的应用程序不会显示在测试设备的Market应用程序中(即使与您用于测试的设备相同)
  3. User-error - double-check you've actually saved and published the app. 用户错误 -仔细检查您实际上已经保存并发布了该应用。 The new UI has caught me out twice already! 新的用户界面已经吸引了我两次!

Currently, it takes a few hours until submitted apps (or updates) are showing up on Google Play. 目前,要花几个小时才能将提交的应用程序(或更新)显示在Google Play上。 Maybe there is a short review process or some caching involved. 可能是一个简短的审核过程或一些缓存。 If everything looks correct with the status info displayed to you, just get yourself a good cup of coffee and give it a few hours. 如果显示的状态信息显示一切正确,请给自己喝杯咖啡,然后花几个小时。 ;) ;)

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