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[英]javascript to open a firefox extension

I try to open a new tab of Firefox extension (URL starts like chrome://xxx/content ) in a web page. 我尝试在网页中打开Firefox扩展的新标签页(URL以chrome://xxx/content开头)。

I have tried window.open().location='chrome://xxx/content'; 我已经尝试过window.open().location='chrome://xxx/content'; , but I always got a new tab like http://chrome://xxx/content . ,但我总是得到一个新的标签,例如http://chrome://xxx/content

So the question is whether there is a solution to open the Firefox extension in web-page JavaScript. 因此,问题在于是否存在一种在网页JavaScript中打开Firefox扩展的解决方案。

If the answer is yes, how to realize it? 如果答案是肯定的,那么如何实现呢?

The answer is "no". 答案是不”。 A web page is not allowed to open browser/extension user interface elements, for security reasons. 出于安全原因,不允许网页打开浏览器/扩展用户界面元素。

Now the web page could notify the extension that a particular extension page needs opening: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Code_snippets/Interaction_between_privileged_and_non-privileged_pages . 现在,该网页可以通知扩展程序特定的扩展程序页面需要打开: https : //developer.mozilla.org/en/Code_snippets/Interaction_between_privileged_and_non-privileged_pa​​ges But given that your question doesn't provide any details on what you are trying to achieve it isn't clear whether this is a viable approach for you. 但是,鉴于您的问题并未提供有关您要实现的目标的任何详细信息,因此尚不清楚这是否对您可行。

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