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[英]Is it possible to send HTML Email through Flash using navigateToURL()?

I am trying to send email within an Adobe AIR app using AS3's navigateToURL() function. 我正在尝试使用AS3的navigateToURL()函数在Adobe AIR应用程序中发送电子邮件。 I have successfully sent over plain text, but was wondering if there is a way to set the content-type to text/html because right now it sends the HTML as brackets. 我已经成功发送了纯文本,但是想知道是否有一种方法可以将content-type设置为text/html因为现在它会将HTML作为括号发送。

Example code: 示例代码:

navigateToURL(new URLRequest("mailto:me@domaincom"+"?"+"subject=Egad, an email!"+"&"+"body="+"I'm a little <b>teapot</b> short and stout,"+"%0A"+"Here is my <i>handle</i> and here is my spout..."));

It will currently output this: 当前它将输出以下内容:

I'm a little <b>teapot</b> short and stout, 我有点矮矮胖胖的<b>茶壶</ b>
Here is my <i>handle</i> and here is my spout... 这是我的<i>手柄</ i>,这是我的壶嘴...

I'm hoping to get this: 我希望得到这个:

I'm a little teapot short and stout, 我是个矮矮胖小的茶壶
Here is my handle and here is my spout... 这是我的把手 ,这是我的壶嘴...

Thanks. 谢谢。 :) :)

Setting the contentType didn't work for me :( 设置contentType对我不起作用:(

You can try the SMTPMailer from ByteArray.org: http://www.bytearray.org/?p=27 您可以从ByteArray.org试用SMTPMailer: http ://www.bytearray.org/?p =27

That sends attachments as well as HTML emails. 这样可以发送附件以及HTML电子邮件。 You'll still need your own STMP account to send through though, but still 1 step easier than making a PHP file that sends the mail for you. 虽然您仍然需要自己的STMP帐户进行发送,但是比制作一个PHP文件来为您发送邮件要容易得多。

URLRequest具有属性contentType,您尝试将其设置为“ text / html”吗?

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