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[英]C# - Entity Framework inserting

I have two tables Category and Product and I would like to insert products into categories. 我有两个表Category和Product,我想将产品插入类别。 The table relation between these tables is one to zeor or one. 这些表之间的表关系是zeor或1。

Category table: 类别表:

CID : integer,
CategoryName : varchar,

Product table: 产品表:

CID: integer, // foreign key to category table.
ProductName: varchar,
UnitsInstock: integer,

How can I write a simple query for inserting a product into the ProductTable? 如何编写一个简单查询以将产品插入ProductTable? How do I handle the foriegn key situation? 如何处理外键关键情况? If the categoryid does not exists then the product should not be inserted. 如果categoryid不存在,则不应插入产品。

I would realy appreciate any kinds of help. 我真的很感谢任何帮助。

Normally a category to product would be many to one, but I would suggest studying the basics of Linq to Sql first: 通常,产品的类别是多对一的,但我建议您首先研究Linq to Sql的基础知识:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb425822.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb425822.aspx

Linq to Sql 101 Linq到SQL 101

Learn the Entity Framework 了解实体框架

One approach could be this one: 一种方法可能是这种方法:

int categoryIdOfNewProduct = 123;
using (var context = new MyContext())
    bool categoryExists = context.Categories
        .Any(c => c.Id == categoryIdOfNewProduct);

    if (categoryExists)
        var newProduct = new Product
            Name = "New Product",
            CategoryId = categoryIdOfNewProduct,
            // other properties

        context.Products.Add(newProduct); // EF 4.1
        //Perhaps some message to user that category doesn't exist? Or Log entry?

It assumes that you have a foreign key property CategoryId on your Product entity. 假定您在Product实体上具有外键属性CategoryId If you don't have one please specify more details. 如果您没有,请指定更多详细信息。

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