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在UppercuT code_drop中包含winforms安装程序

[英]Including winforms installer in UppercuT code_drop

Does anyone know how to specifically include a winforms setup project to be included in the code_drop folder generated when running UppercuTs zip.bat? 有谁知道如何具体包括一个winforms安装项目,以包含在运行UppercuTs zip.bat时生成的code_drop文件夹中? With the default settings my web applications and WCF services are included, as are the dll's for the solutions core, but not my winforms application/installer 使用默认设置包括我的Web应用程序和WCF服务,以及解决方案核心的dll,但不包括我的winforms应用程序/安装程序

I was just playing around with UppercuT last night, and I ran into the same question. 昨晚我和UppercuT一起玩,我遇到了同样的问题。

One tip I found for putting console apps and windows services into the code_drop is to use this Nuget package in your console/windows service projects: 我发现将控制台应用程序和Windows服务放入code_drop的一个技巧是在控制台/ Windows服务项目中使用此Nuget包:

http://nuget.org/packages/publishedapplications http://nuget.org/packages/publishedapplications

See this for more info: 有关详细信息,请参阅此

http://devlicio.us/blogs/rob_reynolds/archive/2011/03/22/published-applications-aka-publishedapplications.aspx http://devlicio.us/blogs/rob_reynolds/archive/2011/03/22/published-applications-aka-publishedapplications.aspx

Using this will cause your console/windows service projects to be "published" similary to how a web app is published in the code_drop. 使用此选项将导致您的控制台/ Windows服务项目“发布”类似于在code_drop中发布Web应用程序的方式。 However, this isn't what you're asking for, just wanted to point it out if its useful. 然而,这不是你要求的,只是想指出它是否有用。 This also doesn't work for installers. 这对安装人员也不起作用。

If your installers are using the default Visual Studio setup projects (.vdproj projects), I haven't tried that, so I can't help there. 如果您的安装程序使用默认的Visual Studio安装项目(.vdproj项目),我没有尝试过,所以我无法帮助那里。 I do know that MSBuild refuses to build those types of projects (not sure why...), so you might be better off using WiX or another installer technology. 我知道MSBuild拒绝构建这些类型的项目(不知道为什么......),所以你可能最好使用WiX或其他安装程序技术。 You can do an automated build on a vdproj if you run the build by calling devenv.exe directly from the command line, but you can't build those with MSBuild. 如果通过直接从命令行调用devenv.exe来运行构建,则可以在vdproj上执行自动构建,但是无法使用MSBuild构建它们。 I did try adding a WiX setup project to my sln, and UppercuT will build the Wix setup project and drop the .msi in the "build_output" folder, but it doesn't copy it over to the code_drop. 我确实尝试向我的sln添加一个WiX安装项目,UppercuT将构建Wix安装项目并将.msi放在“build_output”文件夹中,但它不会将其复制到code_drop。 My thought would be to add a custom post build step to just copy that file over from build_output to code_drop. 我的想法是添加一个自定义的后期构建步骤,只是将该文件从build_output复制到code_drop。 I haven't had a chance to figure out the logic in the build scripts to see how it chooses which files to copy from build_output to code_drop. 我没有机会弄清楚构建脚本中的逻辑,看看它如何选择从build_output复制到code_drop的文件。 If I figure anything out, I'll update this answer. 如果我搞清楚了,我会更新这个答案。

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