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Windows Phone 7 - 在页面之间传递值

[英]Windows Phone 7 - passing values between pages

I am trying to send the values between the pages using : 我试图使用以下命令在页面之间发送值:

NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ABC.xaml?name=" + Company + "&city=" + City , UriKind.Relative));

Here the Company and City values are passed to the next page, somehow the Company names like "ABC & Ltd" is not passing properly,it just passes the "ABC" to next page. 这里公司和城市的价值被传递到下一页,不知何故公司名称如“ABC&Ltd”没有正确传递,它只是将“ABC”传递到下一页。 Basically the portion after "&" is dropped. 基本上“&”之后的部分被删除。

Is there an option here to format this ??? 这里有格式吗? Or should i write a logic for this ?? 或者我应该为此写一个逻辑?

Help needed ! 需要帮助 !

Thanks 谢谢

If any of your query strings contain characters that are considered invalid in a Uri what you're doing will fail, as you've discovered. 如果您的任何查询字符串包含在Uri中被视为无效的字符,那么您所做的事情将会失败,正如您所发现的那样。 You need to use Uri.EscapeDataString to escape any illegal characters first. 您需要先使用Uri.EscapeDataString来转义任何非法字符。 Change the code you've posted to the following: 将您发布的代码更改为以下内容:

NavigationService.Navigate( new Uri( String.Format( "/ABC.xaml?name={0}&city={1}",
          Uri.EscapeDataString( Company ), Uri.EscapeDataString( City ) ), 
          UriKind.Relative ) );

The escaped strings are automatically unescaped when you read them using NavigationContext.QueryString , so there's no need to call Uri.UnescapeDataString explicitly. 当您使用NavigationContext.QueryString读取它们时,转义字符串会自动转义 ,因此无需显式调用Uri.UnescapeDataString

The & character is treated as a special character in query strings as a means of separating values. &字符在查询字符串中被视为特殊字符,作为分隔值的方法。 It needs to be escaped into %26 . 它需要转义为%26

For more information on how to escape URLs easily using Uri.EscapeUriString . 有关如何使用Uri.EscapeUriString轻松转义URL的更多信息。

For example: 例如:

string Company = "ABC & D";
string City = "Falls Church";
string escaped = Uri.EscapeUriString("/ABC.xaml?name=" + Company + "&city=" + City);
var uri = new Uri(escaped, UriKind.Relative);

You Could also pass parameters to you App.xaml.cs code where you can define global values that you can access throughout your app, 您还可以将参数传递给App.xaml.cs代码,您可以在其中定义可在整个应用中访问的全局值,

http://www.developer.nokia.com/Blogs/Community/2011/08/25/passing-data-between-pages-in-windows-phone-7/ http://www.developer.nokia.com/Blogs/Community/2011/08/25/passing-data-between-pages-in-windows-phone-7/

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