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[英]How do I select rows where a column contains

here is the field in my table 这是我表中的字段


how do I select rows where a column contains only 5, not 15 if SELECT * FROM vendor WHERE services LIKE '%5%' it will select that have 15 too. 我如何选择列仅包含5的行,如果SELECT * FROM供应商WHERE服务LIKE '%5%'那么它将选择15的行。 any idea? 任何想法?

As other comments noted, normalize your database. 如其他注释所述,对数据库进行规范化。 But, here's a hack to get what you're looking for temporarily: 但是,这是一种临时获取您所寻找内容的技巧:

select * from vendor where ',' + services + ',' like '%,5,%'

select * from vendor where services = '5' OR services LIKE '5,%' OR services like '%,5' OR services LIKE '%,5,%' 从供应商处选择*服务='5'或服务类似'5,%'或服务类似'%,5'或服务类似'%,5,%'

But seriously normalize the DB 但是认真规范数据库

You can use regexp : 您可以使用regexp

select * from my_table
    my_col regexp '^5$' or
    my_col regexp ',5$' or
    my_col regexp ',5,';

Haven't tried the above expression myself, but something like that would work. 我自己还没有尝试过上面的表达式,但是类似的方法会起作用。

EDIT: with one regexp: 编辑:与一个正则表达式:

select * from my_table
    my_col regexp '^5$|,5$|,5,'

Actually MySQL provides a FIND_IN_SET function for such comma-separated strings. 实际上,MySQL为此类逗号分隔的字符串提供了FIND_IN_SET 函数 This is simpler and cleaner than complex like or regexp solutions: 这比复杂的like或正则表达式解决方案更简单,更干净:

mysql> select * from vendor where find_in_set('5', services) > 0;
| id | services |
|  1 | 5        |
|  3 | 9,5      |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

But still beware - such design could result in low performance. 但请注意-这样的设计可能会导致性能降低。

Using regexp: 使用正则表达式:

SELECT * FROM `VENDOR` WHERE `services` REGEXP '[[:<:]]5[[:>:]]';

(I just recently answered this in Match tags in MYSQL ) (我最近在MYSQL的Match标签中回答了这个问题)

where条件允许的情况下,您可以编写services='5' or services like '%,5' or services like '%,5,%' or services like '5,%'

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