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NetBeans Gui Builder现有代码

[英]NetBeans Gui Builder on existing code

I use Eclipse from time to time to maintain some java code for my employer and to hack locally some OSS to my needs. 我不时使用Eclipse为我的雇主维护一些Java代码,并根据需要在本地破解一些OSS。

While I did not upgraded my Eclipse distro since the 3.5 release, I was recently amazed by the WindowBuilder feature when I upgraded to 3.7. 自从3.5发行版以来,我还没有升级Eclipse发行版,但是最近升级到3.7时,我对WindowBuilder功能感到惊讶。 WindowBuilder has the interesting possibility to parse some existing code and render the corresponding GUI. WindowBuilder具有解析某些现有代码并呈现相应GUI的有趣可能性。 When it is not automagical, I can try to force the rendering by a right-click / open with / WindowBuilder editor . 如果不是自动的,我可以尝试通过right-click / open with / WindowBuilder editor来强制渲染。

I also recently decided to test the NetBeans IDE (latest release available at this time : 7.0.1) that I found visually appealing and that I guess it should be less bloated than my Eclipse + a bunch of plugins (NSIS integration + mylyn + CDT + ...) for just some java development stricto sensu . 我最近还决定测试NetBeans IDE(当前可用的最新版本:7.0.1),我发现它在视觉上很吸引人,我认为它应该比我的Eclipse +一堆插件(NSIS集成+ mylyn + CDT)少一些+ ...)仅用于某些Java开发stricto sensu

My problem is that for some code (in my test case, it is on the jomic project) NetBeans GUI Builder makes no rendering of a (quite simple) Jframe derived class, and I did not found if / how to tell it to try. 我的问题是,对于某些代码(在我的测试用例中,它是在jomic项目上),NetBeans GUI Builder无法呈现(非常简单的)Jframe派生类,并且我没有找到是否/如何告诉它尝试。 The same class can be rendered by WindowBuilder if I open with / WindowBuilder editor . 如果我open with / WindowBuilder editor由WindowBuilder呈现相同的类。

Is there a trick that I can use to render the GUI code ? 我可以使用一种技巧来呈现GUI代码吗? Thanks for helping a NetBeans rookie :) 感谢您帮助NetBeans新手:)

The GUI Builder only works on code that the GUI Builder made. GUI Builder仅适用于GUI Builder生成的代码。

NetBeans form editor is not able to regenerate a missing .form file for GUI classes, or to generate a .form file for GUI classes not originally created in NetBeans . NetBeans表单编辑器无法为GUI类重新生成丢失的.form文件,也不能为不是最初在NetBeans中创建的GUI类生成.form文件

However, there are some external tools trying to address this problem, eg FormGenerator . 但是,有一些外部工具试图解决此问题,例如FormGenerator Check contrib.netbeans.org for newest version. 检查contrib.netbeans.org以获取最新版本。 Source 资源

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