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[英]Apache alias virtual host

I have two applications running in the same server and I would like to have one served from subpath in the url (ie): 我有两个应用程序在同一个服务器上运行,我希望从url(即)中的子路径提供一个:

  • foo.com -> /var/www/foo foo.com - > / var / www / foo
  • foo.com/bar -> /var/www/bar foo.com/bar - > / var / www / bar

I'm trying to do an alias but is not working: 我正在尝试做一个别名但是没有工作:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAdmin webmaster@foo.com
  ServerName foo.com
  DocumentRoot /webapps/foo/current/public
  <Directory /webapps/foo/current/public>
    AllowOverride all
    Options -MultiViews
  RailsEnv staging
  Alias /blog /webapps/blog/current
 <Directory /webapps/blog/current>
   allow from all
   Options +Indexes

Do you know why this is not working? 你知道为什么这不起作用吗?

I also tried serverpath directive without any success. 我也试过了serverpath指令而没有任何成功。

Do you know how to achieve this? 你知道如何实现这个目标吗?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Use AliasMatch instead of Alias : 使用AliasMatch而不是Alias

AliasMatch ^/bar/?(.*) /var/www/bar/$1

Or, in your case: 或者,在您的情况下:

AliasMatch ^/blog/?(.*) /webapps/blog/current/$1

Have you considered using another separate subdomain, like bar.foo.com for your other application? 您是否考虑过使用另一个单独的子域名,例如bar.foo.com作为其他应用程序?

Here's how you'd set that up: 以下是你如何设置它:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@foo.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/foo
    ServerName foo.com
    ServerAlias foo.com www.foo.com
    ErrorLog logs/foo.com_Error_Log
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@foo.com
    DocumentRoot /var/www/bar
    ServerName bar.foo.com
    ErrorLog logs/bar.foo.com_Error_Log

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