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[英]Re-installation failed Zxing import to Android project

I had import to my project the example of Zxing for Android Application. 我已经将Zxing for Android Application的示例导入到我的项目中。 I dont have errors and when i try to run on device, the console give this output: 我没有错误,当我尝试在设备上运行时,控制台会显示以下输出:

[2011-08-26 20:57:06 - CaptureActivity] Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.
[2011-08-26 20:57:06 - CaptureActivity] You must perform a full uninstall of the application. WARNING: This will remove the application data!
[2011-08-26 20:57:06 - CaptureActivity] Please execute 'adb uninstall com.google.zxing.client.android' in a shell.
[2011-08-26 20:57:06 - CaptureActivity] Launch canceled

I try to execute the adb command in shell but give me "permission denied". 我尝试在shell中执行adb命令,但给我“权限被拒绝”。 Before i never have this app in my phone, sometimes with this error i uninstall app from device, run again and works but at this time i dont know what i can do. 在我手机上再也没有这个应用程序之前,有时会出现此错误,我从设备上卸载了该应用程序,再次运行并可以运行,但是目前我不知道该怎么办。 any suggestion? 有什么建议吗?

You have a copy of Barcode Scanner installed from the Market. 您从市场安装了条形码扫描仪的副本。 You are installing your app under the same name and package. 您正在使用相同的名称和软件包安装应用程序。 For security reasons, Android does not allow you do to this, since you have not signed the app in the way we have of course. 出于安全原因,Android不允许您这样做,因为您当然没有按照我们的方式对应用进行签名。

You would need to uninstall Barcode Scanner first. 您需要先卸载条形码扫描仪。 If you can't, it is perhaps not uninstallable since it is pre-installed on the phone. 如果不能,则可能是无法卸载的,因为它已预先安装在手机上。

However, the problem is that you are trying to create an application using our package and our app name. 但是,问题是您正在尝试使用我们的程序包和我们的应用名称创建一个应用。 In fact I assume you have mostly copied our source code. 实际上,我认为您已经复制了我们的源代码。 We do not find this acceptable. 我们认为这是不可接受的。 Please write your own application. 请编写您自己的应用程序。 If you need to re-use pieces of ours, that's OK -- it's open source. 如果您需要重复使用我们的产品,那就可以了-它是开源的。 But it is not OK to copy and paste it so much as you are doing here. 但是复制和粘贴它的方式与您在此处所做的一样多是不可行的。

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