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[英]Download multiple files using a Service in android

My application has a lot of optional data that can be downloaded so I decided to use a Service to handle all the downloads in the background, So I started learning it and here is where i got: 我的应用程序有很多可以下载的可选数据,所以我决定使用一个服务来处理后台的所有下载,所以我开始学习它,这里是我得到的:

public class DownloadService extends IntentService{

    public DownloadService() {


    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {

        String URL=intent.getStringExtra("DownloadService_URL");
        String FileName=intent.getStringExtra("DownloadService_FILENAME");
        String Path=intent.getStringExtra("DownloadService_PATH");

        URL url = new URL(URL);
        URLConnection conexion = url.openConnection();


        InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
        OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(Path+FileName);

        byte data[] = new byte[1024];

        int count = 0;
        while ((count = input.read(data)) != -1) {


        catch(Exception e){ }


The code from the main activity: 主要活动的代码:

        Intent ServiceIntent = new Intent(this,DownloadService.class);
        ServiceIntent.putExtra("DownloadService_URL", "the url...");
        ServiceIntent.putExtra("DownloadService_FILENAME", "Test1.rar");
        ServiceIntent.putExtra("DownloadService_PATH", "/sdcard/test/");
  1. Is the code used to download the files correct? 用于下载文件的代码是否正确? Am I using the Service correctly? 我正确使用本服务吗?
  2. I want to download a lot of files.. So should I startService for each different URL? 我想下载很多文件..那么我应该为每个不同的URL启动服务吗?
  3. I would like to inform the user of the percentage done.. But the Service doesnt have a UI. 我想通知用户完成的百分比..但服务没有UI。 Should I do that in the notification bar? 我应该在通知栏中这样做吗?

Thanks. 谢谢。

Is the code used to download the files correct? 用于下载文件的代码是否正确?

I don't like the use of concatenation to create fully-qualified file paths (use the appropriate File constructor). 我不喜欢使用连接来创建完全限定的文件路径(使用适当的File构造函数)。 Catching exceptions and not doing anything with them is a really bad idea. 捕捉异常并且不对它们做任何事情是一个非常糟糕的主意。 On Android 2.3 and higher, you should consider using DownloadManager . 在Android 2.3及更高版本中,您应该考虑使用DownloadManager

Otherwise, it's probably OK for basic stuff. 否则,基本的东西可能就好了。

I want to download a lot of files.. So should I startService for each different URL? 我想下载很多文件..那么我应该为每个不同的URL启动服务吗?

That should work fine. 这应该工作正常。 Note that they will be downloaded one at a time, as IntentService has only one background thread. 请注意,它们将一次下载一个,因为IntentService只有一个后台线程。

I would like to inform the user of the percentage done.. But the Service doesnt have a UI. 我想通知用户完成的百分比..但服务没有UI。 Should I do that in the notification bar? 我应该在通知栏中这样做吗?

That would be one solution. 这将是一个解决方案。 A variation on that would be to have the service send an ordered broadcast, to be picked up by your activity if it is still on-screen or by a BroadcastReceiver that would do the Notification . 对此的一种变体是让服务发送有序广播,如果它仍在屏幕上,则由您的活动接收,或者由发出NotificationBroadcastReceiver Here is a blog post with more on that, and here is a tiny sample application demonstrating the concept. 这是一篇博文,其中有更多内容, 这是一个展示这个概念的小样本应用程序

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