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[英]Dynamic class loading with Java

I want to dynamically load a concrete class which implements an interface. 我想动态加载实现接口的具体类。 Input: concrete class name. 输入:具体的类名。

I need to call a method in this concrete class, that is, I'll need to set: 我需要在这个具体的类中调用一个方法,也就是说,我需要设置:

MyInterface myclass = new concreteClassName();

How can I achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

have a look at Class.forName(String) 看看Class.forName(String)

    String str = "Test$B"; //your full class name here instead of Test$B
    A clazz = null; //change A to be your interface
    try { 
    clazz = (A)Class.forName(str).newInstance(); //change A to be your interface

    } catch (Exception e) { 
        //TODO: handle exceptions
    if (clazz != null)  {

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try {
     // Load class
     Class<?> cls = Class.forName("my.package.ConcreteClass");

     // Instantiate object from class using default constructor
     my.package.ConcreteClass obj = (my.package.ConcreteClass) cls.newInstance(); 

     // Execute method on it
} catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Could not instantiate class", e);

and the respective javadoc entries for Class#forName and Class#newInstance ? 以及Class#forNameClass#newInstance的相应javadoc条目?


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