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[英]Is Android able to stream .m3u8 file?

I'm trying to stream .m3u8 file using media player for Android. 我正在尝试使用Android媒体播放器流式传输.m3u8文件。 But it seems the media player failed to fetch the playlist: 但是媒体播放器似乎无法获取播放列表:

Error log: 错误日志:

08-28 13:40:48.358: ERROR/LiveSession(8804): unable to fetch master playlist ''.

The most frustrated things so far is I did this once and it worked fine, Once I tried for second time, blank screen just appeared. 到目前为止,最沮丧的事情是我做了一次,而且效果很好。当我第二次尝试时,便出现了空白屏幕。

http://vov.io/vitamio/ This library supports m3u8. http://vov.io/vitamio/该库支持m3u8。 see if it works a little better. 看看效果是否更好。

I would suggest ExoMedia , a striped down easier-to-use version of Google's own ExoPlayer. 我建议使用ExoMedia ,它是Google自己的ExoPlayer的简化版本,易于使用。 Streams m3u8 well, easy as: 可以很好地流式传输m3u8,如下所示:


Maybe a long shot, but have you tried httplive:// ? 也许很远,但是您是否尝试过httplive:// / live-streaming / / 6344.m3u8?

Using that in html5 video elements works in Android 2.3.5 for me. 对我来说,在html5视频元素中使用它可以在Android 2.3.5中使用。

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