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[英]Sort Hashmap keys by numerical value descending order

How can I sort HashMap keys by their numerical value? 如何根据数值对HashMap键进行排序? Currently, in the natural ordering it looks like this: 目前,在自然顺序中它看起来像这样:

1 10 13 2 26 29

I want it to look like this: 我希望它看起来像这样:

29 26 13 10 2 1

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

A HashMap cannot be sorted. 无法对HashMap进行排序。 If you require sorted keys, take a look at the TreeMap . 如果需要排序键,请查看TreeMap In order to get the reversed ordering you want, you would have to provide a custom Comparator : 为了获得您想要的反向排序,您必须提供自定义Comparator

class ReversedOrdering implements Comparator<Integer> {
    public int compare(Integer lhs, Integer rhs) {
        // compare reversed
        return rhs.compareTo(lhs);

Edit I just stumbled across Collections.reverseOrder() which does just what you want: It gives you a Comparator that reverses the natural ordering of objects that implement Comparable . 编辑我偶然发现了Collections.reverseOrder() ,它可以满足您的需求:它为您提供了一个Comparator ,可以反转实现Comparable的对象的自然顺序。 This saves you the hassle of writing a comparator yourself. 这样可以省去自己编写比较器的麻烦。

您可以使用TreeMap ,然后在其上调用descendingMap() ,它基本上返回一个具有键的反向排序的映射

Try below code it works fine and based on order flag it will sort ascending or descending. 尝试下面的代码,它工作正常,并根据订单标志,它将按升序或降序排序。

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

 * @author Rais.Alam
 * @date Dec 12, 2012
public class HelloWorld
    public static void main(String[] args)
        final boolean order = true;

            Map<Integer, String> map = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(
                    new Comparator<Integer>()

                        public int compare(Integer first, Integer second)

                            if (order)

                                return second.compareTo(first);
                                return first.compareTo(second);


            map.put(2, "v");
            map.put(3, "h");
            map.put(4, "e");
            map.put(1, "a");


        catch (Exception e)


HashMap doesn't sort anything. HashMap不对任何内容进行排序。 Use a TreeMap instead if you want to keep the keys sorted. 如果要保持按键排序,请使用TreeMap


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