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[英]symbolic links - case sensitivity

I am having problems in a program trying to follow symbolic links, and tracked it down to an apparent case issue. 我在尝试跟踪符号链接的程序中遇到问题,并将其跟踪到明显的案例问题。

If I list the symbolic links it shows a target, but this does not exist. 如果列出符号链接,它将显示目标,但此目标不存在。

ls -la "/User Guides And Information"
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  60 21 Mar 11:28 /User Guides And Information -> /Library/Documentation/User Guides and Information.localized

There is similar target, which differs only in the case of "And", which Finder seems to find OK. 有一个相似的目标,仅在“ And”的情况下有所不同,Finder似乎可以确定。

ls -la /Library/Documentation
drwxrwxr-x  10 root  admin     340 21 Mar 11:28 User Guides And Information.localized/

Is there some character set issue, or is Finder ignoring case? 是否存在某些字符集问题,或者Finder是否忽略大小写?


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