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GhostScript和PDF / A?

[英]GhostScript and PDF/A?

I am using GhostScript but it generates incorrect PDF/A files. 我正在使用GhostScript,但它会生成不正确的PDF / A文件。

How do I generate correct PDF/A files from a PostScript file? 如何从PostScript文件生成正确的PDF / A文件?

Your question doesn't have much information to help in formulating an answer. 您的问题没有太多信息可以帮助您制定答案。 Current versions of Ghostscript are known to create PDF/A files which validate with a range of PDF/A validation tools. 已知当前版本的Ghostscript可以创建PDF / A文件,并使用一系列PDF / A验证工具进行验证。 That said, these tools vary significantly, and occasionally a new one crops up which checks something that previous ones have not, and this gets fixed. 也就是说,这些工具的差异很大,有时会出现一个新的工具来检查以前的工具所没有的东西,并且此问题已得到解决。

You don't say what version of Ghostscript you are using, the command line invocation (which is absolutely essential for PDF/A generation) or the operating system, nor do you tell us what is wrong with teh PDF/A files you are generating. 您既没有说您使用的是哪个版本的Ghostscript,命令行调用(这对于生成PDF / A绝对必要)或操作系统,也没有告诉我们您生成的PDF / A文件出了什么问题? 。 Have you read the documentation supplied with Ghostscript on how to produce PDF/A ? 您是否阅读了Ghostscript随附的有关如何生成PDF / A的文档? In a full release of Ghostscript the documentation for this can be found in : 在Ghostscript的完整版本中,可以在以下位置找到有关此文件的文档:

gs/doc/Ps2pdf.htm#PDFA gs / doc / Ps2pdf.htm#PDFA

However some Linux distributions do not supply the Ghostscript documentation, so it can also be found at: 但是,某些Linux发行版不提供Ghostscript文档,因此也可以在以下位置找到它:

http://www.ghostscript.com/Documentation.html http://www.ghostscript.com/Documentation.html

Specifically for your case : 专门针对您的情况:

http://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.04/Ps2pdf.htm#PDFA http://www.ghostscript.com/doc/9.04/Ps2pdf.htm#PDFA

Notice that this is for the current release 9.04. 请注意,这是针对当前版本9.04的。 There have since been some changes relating to PDF/A which will be in the next release. 此后,将在下一版本中对PDF / A进行一些更改。

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