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$ this->发现在cakePHP中不起作用

[英]$this->find not working in cakePHP

I have a model with the name Deal class Deal extends AppModel 我有一个名称为Deal class Deal extends AppModel

Now in my controller I call a method in the Deal model called getDeal() 现在,在控制器中,我在Deal模型中调用了一个名为getDeal()的方法。

$dealInfo = Deal::getDeal($dealID); $ dealInfo = Deal :: getDeal($ dealID);

I want the info returned to me but the var_dump displays blank 我希望信息返回给我,但var_dump显示为空白

function getDeal($dealID){

    $deal = $this->Deal->find('first', array(
                            'conditions' => 
                                'Deal.id' =>$dealID

                            ) ,
                            'fields' => array(
                            ) ,

                            'recursive' => 1,


This is the first time I'm working in cakePHP, so this question might sound a bit dumb 这是我第一次使用cakePHP,因此这个问题听起来可能有些愚蠢

When you're just using an id as your find condition you can use CakePHP's dynamic finder methods. 当您仅使用id作为查找条件时,可以使用CakePHP的动态查找器方法。

Dynamic finders work like this. 动态查找器的工作原理是这样的。


In your example it would be 在您的示例中

$this->findById($dealId, array(
    'fields' => array('Deal.id'),
    'recursive' => 1

I don't know if I'm just being mental, but is this simply because you're not returning anything from getDeal() ? 我不知道我是否只是在头脑,这仅仅是因为您没有从getDeal()返回任何内容吗?

Try adding return $deal; 尝试添加return $deal; and see if that helps. 看看是否有帮助。 Your question doesn't state exactly where you're doing the var_dump so I might be well off. 您的问题并未明确说明您在哪里进行var_dump因此我可能会过得很好。

Edit: 编辑:

As per the discussion with you and 8vius, we've established that this isn't right, and you simply need to change $this->Deal->find() to $this->find() because its being run from the model. 根据与您和8vius的讨论,我们已经确定这是不对的,您只需要将$this->Deal->find()更改$this->find()因为它是从模型。

Check your function declaration, $deal_id does not exist and as you can see from the parameter you pass to the function which should me $deal_id and not dealID . 检查您的函数声明, $deal_id不存在,并且如您从参数中看到的那样,您将传递给应该$deal_id而不是dealID So you have a misdeclared function calling find with a variable that does not exist. 因此,您有一个错误声明的函数,该函数使用不存在的变量调用find。

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