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[英]Speed of comparing to null vs undefined in JavaScript

I have just run a very simple JavaScript performance test (don't ask why). 我刚刚运行了一个非常简单的JavaScript 性能测试 (不要问为什么)。 The test declares a variable, but doesn't assign anything to it: 测试声明了一个变量,但没有为其赋值:

var x;

It then compares the speed of comparing the value variable to null , and to undefined , in other words: 然后它将比较value变量的速度与nullundefined ,换句话说:

var y = (x == null); and var y = (x == undefined); var y = (x == undefined); .

I was expecting the comparison with undefined to be the fasted. 我期待与undefined的比较是禁食。 In fact it was nowhere near. 事实上,它远远不够。 The comparison with null was far and away the fastest, around 80% faster. null的比较是最快的,大约快80%。

The results I've described above come from running the tests in Chrome (version 13). 我上面描述的结果来自于在Chrome中运行测试(版本13)。 Running them in Firefox produces results far closer to what I would have expected (the comparison with undefined is faster than with null , albeit very marginally). 在Firefox中运行它们会产生更接近我预期的结果(与undefined的比较比使用null更快,尽管非常小)。

So, my question is what could the cause of this be? 所以,我的问题是这可能是什么原因? Why does Chrome seem to favour the comparison with null so greatly? 为什么Chrome似乎更喜欢与null的比较呢?

For quick reference, here's a screenshot of the results: 为了快速参考,这里是结果的屏幕截图:


null is a reserved keyword which cannot be overriden, so when you are doing a comparison against null, all you have to do is a single comparison. null是一个无法覆盖的保留关键字,因此当您对null进行比较时,您所要做的只是一次比较。

However, when you are checking against undefined , the engine must do a type lookup and then a comparison, meaning that it is actually slightly more demanding. 但是,当您检查undefined ,引擎必须进行类型查找然后进行比较,这意味着它实际上要求更高。

If you need to actually check to see if something is undefined, you should use 如果您需要实际检查以确定某些内容是否未定义,您应该使用

if(typeof notSet == "undefined"){ }

Proof 证明

Try it... and set something to null in your JavaScript console. 试试吧......并在JavaScript控制台中将某些内容设置为null

null = "will error";
// Errors with --> ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side

However, if you try and do it with undefined, it won't error. 但是,如果您尝试使用undefined进行操作,则不会出错。 That is not to say that you can override undefined , because you can't, but that undefined is its own primitive type. 这并不是说你可以覆盖undefined ,因为你不能,但undefined是它自己的原始类型。

The only real similarity between null and undefined, is that they can both be coerced into a boolean false. null和undefined之间唯一真正的相似之处在于它们都可以被强制转换为布尔值false。

I recently discovered that this: 我最近发现这个:

 if (typeof this._minLat === 'undefined') {
   this._minLat = Math.min(...this.points.map(point => point.lat));
 return this._minLat;

seems to be many times faster than this: 似乎比这快很多倍:

 return  this._minLat || Math.min(...this.points.map(point => point.lat));    

if i think well, they are not the same. 如果我认为好,他们就不一样了。 so you can't use null instead of undefined. 所以你不能使用null而不是undefined。

typeof !== "undefined" vs. != null typeof!==“undefined”vs.!= null

You're comparing against the lookup of a variable called undefined (which returns an undefined value), so it's not doing what you were intending. 您正在与名为undefined (返回未定义的值)的变量的查找进行比较,因此它不会执行您想要的操作。

There are ways to check whether a variable is undefined. 有一些方法可以检查变量是否未定义。 As the other posters have mentioned, typeof x === 'undefined' is one. 正如其他海报所提到的, typeof x === 'undefined'就是一个。 (There's probably another possibility that is something like hasOwnProperty('x') executed on the global object, but that doesn't check the scope chain.) (可能还有另一种可能就是在全局对象上执行hasOwnProperty('x') ,但这并不会检查作用域链。)

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