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[英]Does having multiple dots in a filename bad?

Is there any organization or articles that says we can or should not have multiple dots in filename? 是否有任何组织或文章说我们可以或不应该在文件名中包含多个点? I'm really confuse if I should use dot in PHP files, I might break some rules or standards. 如果在PHP文件中使用点号,我会感到很困惑,我可能会违反一些规则或标准。

A filename with multiple dots does not break any PHP naming conventions, because file names are not PHP variable names; 带有多个点的文件名不会违反任何PHP命名约定,因为文件名不是PHP变量名。 they belong to the OS really and PHP only sees them as strings. 它们确实属于操作系统,PHP仅将它们视为字符串。


I looked around and found cases for multiple dots: version numbers and dates. 我环顾四周,发现有多个点的情况:版本号和日期。 There has been some discussion as to whether these increase or decrease SEO value but I have not found anything conclusive. 关于这些是增加还是减少SEO值已有一些讨论,但我没有发现任何结论。 It does show however that they are used. 但是它确实表明已使用它们。

Tip: Try the following Google search: seo periods in filenames 提示:请尝试以下Google搜索: 文件名中的seo句点

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