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Linq OrderByDescending,首先为null

[英]Linq OrderByDescending, null first

I have a field in my database that holds a DateTime?. 我的数据库中有一个包含DateTime的字段? I would like to sort the results so that the NULLs show up at the top, then descending by DateTime, eg, 我想对结果进行排序,以便NULL显示在顶部,然后按DateTime降序,例如,


The reason is that I am looking at expiration dates, though some entries do not expire. 原因是我正在查看到期日期,但有些条目没有到期。

您可以从排序表达式返回DateTime.MaxValue而不是null ,因此首先排序具有null日期的行:

yourData.OrderByDescending(row => row.dateTimeField ?? DateTime.MaxValue);

I find the most straightforward approach to be: 我发现最直接的方法是:

data.OrderBy(Function(o) o.myDate IsNot Nothing).ThenByDescending(Function(o) o.myDate)

in C# I think... 在C#我认为......

data.OrderBy(o => o.myDate != null).ThenByDescending(o => o.myDate)

This will also work with LINQ to SQL. 这也适用于LINQ to SQL。 I'm not sure if if(nullable, value) will successfully translate to SQL. 我不确定if(nullable, value)是否会成功转换为SQL。

You could try something like this: 你可以尝试这样的事情:

var nulls = table.Where(x => x.NullableDateTimeField == null);
var notNulls = table.Where(x => x.NullableDateTimeField != null);

var result = nulls.Concat(notNulls.OrderByDescending(x => x.NullableDateTimeField));

It's more "obviously correct" than "likely to be super-efficient", but it's at least a starting point. 它比“可能超级高效”更“明显正确”,但它至少是一个起点。

Take a look at David Oesterreich's blog: 看看David Oesterreich的博客:

var queryResult =
orderedProducts from enumerableProducts
order by orderedProducts.ProductName,
orderedProducts.Price != null ? 1 : 0 descending,
select orderedProducts;


tickets.OrderByDescending(x => x?.Erstellt ?? DateTime.Now)

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