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如何将sbyte []转换为base64字符串?

[英]How can I convert sbyte[] to base64 string?

How can I convert sbyte[] to base64 string? 如何将sbyte[]转换为base64字符串?

I cannot convert that sbyte[] to a byte[] , to keep interoperability with java. 我无法将sbyte[]转换为byte[] ,以保持与java的互操作性。

You absolutely can convert the sbyte[] to a byte[] - I can pretty much guarantee you that the Java code will really be treating the byte array as unsigned. 你绝对可以sbyte[]转换为byte[] - 我几乎可以保证Java代码真的将字节数组视为无符号。 (Or to put it another way: base64 is only defined in terms of unsigned bytes...) (或者换句话说:base64只根据无符号字节定义 ......)

Just convert to byte[] and call Convert.ToBase64String . 只需转换为byte[]并调用Convert.ToBase64String Converting to byte[] is actually really easy - although C# itself doesn't provide a conversion between the two, the CLR is quite happy to perform a reference conversion, so you just need to fool the C# compiler: 转换为byte[]实际上非常简单 - 虽然C#本身不提供两者之间的转换,但CLR非常乐意执行引用转换,因此您只需要欺骗C#编译器:

sbyte[] x = { -1, 1 };
byte[] y = (byte[]) (object) x;

If you want to have a genuine byte[] you can copy: 如果你想要一个真正的 byte[]你可以复制:

byte[] y = new byte[x.Length];
Buffer.BlockCopy(x, 0, y, 0, y.Length);

but personally I'd stick with the first form. 但就个人而言,我坚持使用第一种形式。

class Program
    static void Main()
        sbyte[] signedByteArray = { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 };
        byte[] unsignedByteArray = (byte[])(Array)signedByteArray; 

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