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[英]Is there a way to remove apaches Reverse Proxy Request Headers?

When acting as a reverse proxy, apache adds x-forwarded headers as described here. 当充当反向代理时,apache会添加x-forwarded标头,如此处所述。

http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html#x-headers http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html#x-headers

In my configuration I have configured server A as a forward proxy. 在我的配置中,我已将服务器A配置为转发代理。 There is a rule like this: 有一个这样的规则:

RewriteRule proxy:(.*example.com)/(.*) $1.mysecondserver.com/$2 [P]

This rule lets the server request the resource from one of my other servers. 此规则允许服务器从我的其他服务器请求资源。

On the second server (origin) I have a virtual host container for the resource and another rewrite rule like this: 在第二个服务器(原始)上,我有一个资源的虚拟主机容器和另一个重写规则,如下所示:

RewriteRule some-regex some-url [P]

It may not seem to make sense like this but there is a lot of other stuff going on that I left out as it is not part of the problem. 它似乎没有这样的意义,但是我遗漏了许多其他的东西,因为它不是问题的一部分。

However that final request has these headers: 但是,最终请求具有以下标头:

[X-Forwarded-For] => ip of 1st server
[X-Forwarded-Host] => example.myseconserver.com
[X-Forwarded-Server] => example.com

I want those headers gone. 我想要那些标题消失了。

I seem to be unable to unset them with mod_headers. 我似乎无法用mod_headers取消它们。 I can add more entries to them, but I can not remove them. 我可以添加更多条目,但我无法删除它们。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

corrected answer: there is no way to do that since its hardcoded 纠正的答案:自硬编码以来没有办法做到这一点

to fix this in the source code of mod_proxy_http.c search for the following part: 要在mod_proxy_http.c的源代码中修复此问题,请搜索以下部分:

    apr_table_mergen(r->headers_in, "X-Forwarded-Server",

and immediately after that add this code: 然后立即添加此代码:

// remove any X-Forwarded headers
apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "X-Forwarded-For");
apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "X-Forwarded-Host");
apr_table_unset(r->headers_in, "X-Forwarded-Server");

then compile by running apxs2 -cia mod_proxy_http.c 然后通过运行apxs2 -cia mod_proxy_http.c进行编译

Since Apache 2, as this pretty answer says, the 自Apache 2以来,正如这个漂亮的答案所说的那样

ProxyAddHeaders Off

theoretically disables it. 理论上禁用它。 In my experiences, it had no effect. 根据我的经验,它没有任何效果。 However, combined with 但是,加上

<Proxy *>
  ProxyAddHeaders Off

and, with

  RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-Host
  RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-For
  RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-Server

somewhere it started to work. 它开始工作的某个地方。

I had the same problem on httpd 2.2 on CentOS 5. Installing httpd 2.4 wasn't possible. 我在CentOS 5上的httpd 2.2上遇到了同样的问题。安装httpd 2.4是不可能的。 But because of some reasons I couldn't switch to nginx completly. 但由于某些原因,我无法完全切换到nginx。 So I did it by inserting nginx proxy between httpd and the destination address. 所以我通过在httpd和目标地址之间插入nginx代理来实现它。 So I had: httpd( localhost:80/path ) -> nginx( localhost:81/path ) -> http://your.destination/path . 所以我有:httpd( localhost:80/path ) - > nginx( localhost:81/path ) - > http://your.destination/path Installation steps are the following: 安装步骤如下:

  1. Install nginx according to these instructions 根据这些说明安装nginx
  2. Configure nginx to avoid security problems. 配置nginx以避免安全问题。
  3. Add an location in nginx that will remove those httpd's reverse proxy request headers. 在nginx中添加一个位置,删除那些httpd的反向代理请求标头。 It can look like this: 它看起来像这样:

     location /path { proxy_set_header x-forwarded-for ""; proxy_set_header x-forwarded-host ""; proxy_set_header x-forwarded-server ""; proxy_pass http://your.destination/path; } 

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