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Node.js HTTP基本身份验证

[英]Node.js http basic auth

Is it possible to do basic auth in Node.js just like in Apache? 是否可以像在Apache中一样在Node.js中执行基本身份验证?

http://doc.norang.ca/apache-basic-auth.html http://doc.norang.ca/apache-basic-auth.html

I know that if using Express or Connect I can add middle-ware functionality and do user verification, but I'm trying to restrict the whole area (I don't need to authenticate users from a database just a couple of defined users) - I'm using Ubuntu. 我知道如果使用Express或Connect可以添加中间件功能并进行用户验证,但是我试图限制整个区域(我不需要仅从几个定义的用户中就对数据库进行身份验证)-我正在使用Ubuntu。

https://github.com/kaero/node-http-digest https://github.com/kaero/node-http-digest

That's something I can do, but I'm not sure if "exposing" or directly writing the user and password in the code is secure enough. 我可以这样做,但是我不确定在代码中“公开”或直接写用户和密码是否足够安全。

Many thanks. 非常感谢。

Passport provides a clean mechanism to implement basic auth. Passport提供了一种干净的机制来实现基本身份验证。 I use it in my Node.js Express app to protect both my Angularjs-based UI as well as my RESTful API. 我在Node.js Express应用程序中使用它来保护基于Angularjs的UI和RESTful API。 To get passport up and running in your app do the following: 要启动和运行护照,请执行以下操作:

  • npm install passport npm安装护照

  • npm install passport-http (contains "BasicStrategy" object for basic auth) npm install Passport-http(包含用于基本身份验证的“ BasicStrategy”对象)

  • Open up your app.js and add the following: 打开您的app.js并添加以下内容:

     var passport = require('passport') var BasicStrategy = require('passport-http').BasicStrategy passport.use(new BasicStrategy( function(username, password, done) { if (username.valueOf() === 'yourusername' && password.valueOf() === 'yourpassword') return done(null, true); else return done(null, false); } )); // Express-specific configuration section // *IMPORTANT* // Note the order of WHERE passport is initialized // in the configure section--it will throw an error // if app.use(passport.initialize()) is called after // app.use(app.router) app.configure(function(){ app.use(express.cookieParser()); app.use(express.session({secret:'123abc',key:'express.sid'})); app.set('views', __dirname + '/views'); app.set('view engine', 'jade'); app.set('view options', { layout: false }); app.use(express.bodyParser()); app.use(express.methodOverride()); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); app.use(passport.initialize()); app.use(app.router); app.use(logger); }); // Routes app.get('/', passport.authenticate('basic', { session: false }), routes.index); app.get('/partials/:name', routes.partials); // JSON API app.get('/api/posts', passport.authenticate('basic', { session: false }), api.posts); app.get('/api/post/:id', passport.authenticate('basic', { session: false }), api.post) // --Repeat for every API call you want to protect with basic auth-- app.get('*', passport.authenticate('basic', { session: false }), routes.index); 

Put this 放这个

app.use(express.basicAuth(function(user, pass) {
  return user === 'test' && pass === 'test';

before the line to 行前


to protect all routes with http basic auth 使用http基本身份验证保护所有路由

I think good choice could be http-auth module 我认为不错的选择可能是http-auth模块

// Authentication module.
var auth = require('http-auth');
var basic = auth.basic({
    realm: "Simon Area.",
    file: __dirname + "/../data/users.htpasswd" // gevorg:gpass, Sarah:testpass ...

// Application setup.
var app = express();

// Setup route.
app.get('/', function(req, res){
  res.send("Hello from express - " + req.user + "!");

Have a look at: user authentication libraries for node.js? 看一下: node.js的用户身份验证库?

It does not answer your question 100% - but maybe it helps. 它不能100%回答您的问题-但也许有帮助。

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