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如何使用PHP opendir将孙目录中的文件从当前目录向下两级链接?

[英]How to link up files from grandchild directory down two levels from the current dir with PHP opendir?

I cannot seem to get the links that are populated from the directory scan to LINK up appropriately. 我似乎无法使目录扫描中填充的链接正确链接起来。 When I click the populated link it is currently referencing the current directory instead of the grandchild directory here dir_2/dir_3. 当我单击填充的链接时,它当前引用的是当前目录,而不是此处的孙目录dir_2 / dir_3。 Any help would be very appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。


  // These files will be ignored
  $excludedFiles = array (

// These file extensions will be ignored
$excludedExtensions = array (

// Make sure we ignore . and ..
$excludedFiles = array_merge($excludedFiles,array('.','..')); 

 // Convert to lower case so we are not case-sensitive
 for ($i = 0; isset($excludedFiles[$i]); $i++) $excludedFiles[$i] =        
  for ($i = 0; isset($excludedExtensions[$i]); $i++) $excludedExtensions[$i] =    

  // Loop through directory
  $count = 0;
  if ($handle = opendir('dir_2/dir_3')) {
  while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
  $extn = explode('.',$file);
  $extn = array_pop($extn);
  // Only echo links for files that don't match our rules
  if (!in_array(strtolower($file),$excludedFiles) &&   
  !in_array(strtolower($extn),$excludedExtensions)) {
    print("<a href=\"".$file."\">".$file."</a><br />\n");
echo '<br /><br /><a href="..">Return</a>';


You need to append the directory you're looking at to the link. 您需要将要查看的目录附加到链接。

$dir = 'dir_2/dir_3';
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
// snip
print("<a href=\"".$dir.$file."\">".$file."</a><br />\n");

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