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[英]javascript confirm value not working

i have a confirm and alert message box. 我有一个确认和警报消息框。 both are getting displayed at the right time. 两者都在正确的时间显示。

but in confirm box when i press cancel the applyaction_button_click is getting executed, which should not happen as i return false. 但是在确认框中,当我按取消时,applyaction_button_click正在执行,这不会发生,因为我返回false。

Similar is the case with alert box which returns false still applyaction_button_click is getting executed. 警报框返回错误的情况类似,仍然执行applyaction_button_click。

here is my code: 这是我的代码:

   protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    ApplyAction_Button.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowConfirm();");

   protected void ApplyAction_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       // Action to be applied

JS function: JS功能:

    function ShowConfirm() {
      //check if checkbox is checked if is checked then display confirm message else display alert message
      var frm = document.forms['aspnetForm'];
      var flag = false;
      for (var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].length; i++) {
          if (document.forms[0].elements[i].id.indexOf('Select_CheckBox') != -1) {
              if (document.forms[0].elements[i].checked) {
                  flag = true

      if (flag == true) {
          if (confirm("Are you sure you want to proceed?") == true) {
              return true;
          else {
              return false;
      } else {
      alert('Please select at least Checkbox.')
      return false;

thanks 谢谢

When you have a client side event on an asp server control that has a server event and both get triggered with the same action, returning true or false on the client doesn't stop it from executing its server event. 如果在具有服务器事件的ASP服务器控件上有一个客户端事件,并且两者都被同一操作触发,则在客户端上返回true或false不会阻止它执行其服务器事件。

You could try to prevent the button's server event from executing by doing some kind of postback in your javascript code. 您可以尝试通过在JavaScript代码中执行某种回发操作来阻止执行按钮的服务器事件。

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