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[英]Problem when export from grid to excel file

i want to export all pages of GridView to excel . 我想将GridView的所有页面导出到excel。 but the problem is when i set allowpaging to false then bind data again to grid. 但是问题是当我将allowpaging设置为false然后将数据再次绑定到网格时。 the grid become empty but the headers are still existing . 网格变为空,但标题仍然存在。 what's the problem ? 有什么问题 ?

gv.AllowPaging = false;


but when i use Linqtodatasource. 但是当我使用Linqtodatasource时。 it works fine . 它工作正常。

try setting the datasource of the grid to the datasource again before rebinding. 在重新绑定之前,请尝试再次将网格的数据源设置为数据源。 I think the LinqToSQL datasource works becuase its added to the page and is re-added automatically, I'm assuming you are setting the datasource manually so it needs to be set when rebinding. 我认为LinqToSQL数据源的工作原理是将其添加到页面并自动重新添加,我假设您是手动设置数据源,因此在重新绑定时需要设置它。 Well that usually works for me anyway 好吧,无论如何,这通常对我有用

eg: 例如:

private DataTable DataSource
    string sessionKey = String.Format("DataSource_{0}", this.UniqueID);

    if (Session[sessionKey] == null)
      Session[sessionKey] = new DataTable();
    return Session[sessionKey] as DataTable;
    string sessionKey = String.Format("DataSource_{0}", this.UniqueID);

    Session[sessionKey] = value;

private void ExportToExcel()
   gv.AllowPaging = false;
   gv.DataSource = this.DataSource;

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