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[英]Access a file from a JAR in the same folder

I need to acces (create and read) a file from a JAR file (executable jar), and that file should be created in the same directory as the JAR 我需要从JAR文件(可执行jar)访问(创建和读取)文件,并且该文件应该在与JAR相同的目录中创建

I tried this.getClass().getResource("myFile") but since the jar has packages in it, it won't work.. 我试过this.getClass().getResource("myFile")但由于jar中有包,它不起作用..

I also tried write just File f = new File("myFile"); f.createNewFile(); 我也试过写File f = new File("myFile"); f.createNewFile(); File f = new File("myFile"); f.createNewFile();

and that works if i execute the JAR from the terminal, but if i execute the JAR by double-clicking it, the file is created in my home directory -.-'' 如果我从终端执行JAR,那么这是有效的,但如果我通过双击它来执行JAR,那么该文件将在我的主目录中创建 - .-''

how do i access a file being SURE that that file is in the SAME directory as the JAR file? 我如何访问一个文件,确保该文件作为JAR文件在SAME目录中?

(of course also getting the jar absolute path would do the trick since i can get the parent folder from it) (当然也获得jar绝对路径会起作用,因为我可以从中获取父文件夹)

This will give you the full path to the Jar: 这将为您提供Jar的完整路径:

String path = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();

EDIT: sorry, was in javascript mode when I wrote that :). 编辑:对不起,当我写这个:)时,是在JavaScript模式下。 As was so politely requested, in a static method you should be able to do this: 正如那么礼貌地要求,在静态方法中你应该能够做到这一点:

String path = Me.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();

(where the class name is Me ). (班级名称是Me )。

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