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有没有更简洁的方法来编写这个 Java 代码?

[英]Is there a more concise way to write this Java code?

This foo that is returned by lookup could be null . lookup返回的这个foo可能是null

That's why I'm trying to avoid calling foo.getFooStr() on a null value by first returning null if foo is null .这就是为什么我试图通过在foonull时首先返回null来避免在null值上调用foo.getFooStr()

But is there a better (more concise) way to write this?但是有没有更好(更简洁)的方式来写这个?

public static String getFooStr(String input)
    Foo foo = lookup(input);
        return null;
    return foo.getFooStr();

You've two questions: is there a better way to write the code, and is there a more concise way to write the code.你有两个问题:有没有更好的方法来编写代码,有没有更简洁的方法来编写代码。

Regarding more concise , this could work:关于更简洁,这可以工作:

public static String getFooStr(String input) {
    Foo foo = lookup(input);          
    return foo == null ? null : foo.getFooStr();

Regarding better : I value readability over conciseness any day, and by a wide margin.关于更好:我在任何时候都重视可读性而不是简洁性,而且差距很大。 Your original code looks fine to me.您的原始代码对我来说看起来不错。 What matters is what looks good to you, and which is easier for you to understand and debug 3 months from now.重要的是对您来说看起来不错,并且从现在起 3 个月后您更容易理解和调试。 I've heard someone say it best -- write your code so that is easily understandable by others, and even more importantly, by your future self.我听说有人说得最好——编写你的代码,以便其他人容易理解,更重要的是,你未来的自己也能理解。

为什么没有返回适当的 foo 字符串的lookup

I'm not into java, but I do like clean code... Source code should be easy to read and understand for humans - the machine doesn't care how it looks but your colleagues do.我不喜欢java,但我喜欢干净的代码......源代码应该易于人类阅读和理解 - 机器不在乎它的外观,但你的同事会。 More concise code usually takes a moment or two longer to grasp (sometimes much longeer depending on the quantity and complexity).更简洁的代码通常需要一两分钟的时间来掌握(有时会更长,具体取决于数量和复杂性)。 Keep code understandable and it will be maintainable (even if it is a bit more verbose)!保持代码易于理解并且可以维护(即使它有点冗长)!

Groovy does it nicer . Groovy 做得更好

return lookup(input)?.fooStr

or even just :甚至只是


For Java 7, at some point it was planned that you could just write this:对于 Java 7,在某些时候计划你可以这样写:

public static String getFooStr(String input)
    Foo foo = lookup(input);
    return foo?.getFooStr();

But until this feature is widely known, you will have to stick to the ?: operator.但在此功能广为人知之前,您将不得不坚持使用?:运算符。

I do not like multiple returns any where in any code.我不喜欢在任何代码中的任何位置多次返回。 I will just change it to我将其更改为

public static String getFooStr(String input)
    Foo foo = lookup(input);
    String fooString;
        fooString = foo.getFooStr();
    return fooString;

Also the version from @Hovercraft Full Of Eels is good in my opinion but less readable but still a common way of doing.在我看来,来自@Hovercraft Full Of Eels 的版本也不错,但可读性较差,但仍然是一种常见的做法。

在 Java8 中:


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