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[英]Hudson triggering ant bulid


So, how far are you in this endeavor? 那么,您在这项工作中走了多远?

  • Have you installed Hudson? 您安装了哈德森吗?
  • Have you managed to get Hudson running? 您是否成功让Hudson运行?
  • Have you been able to open Hudson up in a web browser? 您是否能够在网络浏览器中打开Hudson?
  • Have you been able to configure Hudson? 您能够配置Hudson吗?
  • Do you have a job defined in Hudson for your project? 您是否在Hudson中为您的项目定义了工作?
  • Do you have the GIT plugin installed. 您是否安装了GIT插件。 It should be there by default in all versions after 2.10. 在2.10之后的所有版本中,默认情况下都应存在该目录。
  • Have you gotten Hudson talking to your GIT repository? 您让Hudson与您的GIT存储库进行了交谈吗? Does the machine Hudson is running on have access to your repository? Hudson运行的机器是否可以访问您的存储库?
  • Have you any experience with Hudson or Jenkins before? 您以前在Hudson或Jenkins上有过任何经历吗?

Considering Hudson's main task is to checkout and build a project whenever a new version of that project is in the repository, it shouldn't be too difficult. 考虑到Hudson的主要任务是在存储库中有该项目的新版本时检出并构建一个项目,这应该不太困难。

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