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[英]Getting vars from URL

url: 网址:


How to get 1000 from id and add it into <h1></h1> on page? 如何从id获取1000并将其添加到页面上的<h1></h1>

您从$ _GET数组中获取数字并使用htmlspecialchars转义它以防止XSS攻击:

echo '<h1>', htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']), '</h1>';

You should use the $_GET superglobal array, which holds querystring parameters. 您应该使用$ _GET超全局数组,该数组包含查询字符串参数。

For example: <h1><?php echo $_GET['id']; ?></h1> 例如: <h1><?php echo $_GET['id']; ?></h1> <h1><?php echo $_GET['id']; ?></h1>

You can either use the global array $_REQUEST[] , or in your case the explicit $_GET : 您可以使用全局数组$_REQUEST[] ,或者在您的情况下使用显式$_GET

<h1><?php echo $_GET['id']; ?></h1>

To prevent XSS you should also use htmlspecialchars: 要防止XSS,您还应该使用htmlspecialchars:

<h1><?php echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']); ?></h1>
<h1><?php echo $_REQUEST["id"]; ?></h1>
$id = $_GET["id"];
//Perform checks on $id
echo '<h1>'.$id.'<h1/>';

If you wish to inject it into h1, you can echo it back and use javascript to set the innerhtml of the tag. 如果你想将它注入h1,你可以回复它并使用javascript来设置标签的innerhtml。

Use $_GET : 使用$_GET

$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : FALSE;
echo '<h1>', $id, '</h1>';

If the URL is within a variable, use parse_url Docs and parse_str Docs : 如果URL在变量中,请使用parse_url Docsparse_str 文档

$query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($query, $vars);
$id = isset($vars['id']) ? (int) $vars['id'] : FALSE;
echo '<h1>', $id, '</h1>';

Edit: 编辑:

If you've got register globals enabled (which is highly discouraged, so just for completeness), you can do this: 如果你已经启用了注册全局变量非常不鼓励,那么只是为了完整性),你可以这样做:

$id = isset($id) ? (int) $id : FALSE;
echo '<h1>', $id, '</h1>';

Normally in an application you want to de-couple from $_GET and wrap it into a request object: 通常在您想要从$_GET解耦并将其包装到请求对象的应用程序中:

class Request
    public function getParameter($name, $default = NULL)
        return isset($_GET[$name]) ? $_GET[$name] : $default;
    public function getParameterInt($name, $default = NULL)
        $value = $this->getParameter($name, NULL);
        return NULL === $value ? $default : (int) $value;

$request = new Request();
$id = $request->getParameterInt('id');
echo '<h1>', $id, '</h1>';

That done, you can replace later on the request implementation with another to run and test your application with non-http requests. 完成后,您可以稍后在请求实现上替换另一个,以使用非http请求运行和测试您的应用程序。 This also helps to better structure your code for re-usability. 这也有助于更好地构建代码以实现可重用性。

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