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[英]CoffeeScript: How to return a array From class?

What is wrong in this class in CoffeeScript ?? CoffeeScript此类中的错误是什么?

@module "Euclidean2D", ->
  class @Point
    constructor: (x,y) -> 
      return if Float32Array? then Float32Array([ x, y ]) else Array(x,y)

I want it to behave like: 我希望它表现为:

p = new Point(1.0,2.0);
p[0] == 1.0
p[1] == 2.0

But testing with Jasmine I get "Expected undefined to equal 1." 但是用茉莉花测试我得到“期望未定义等于1”。

describe "Point", ->

    beforeEach ->
      @point = new Euclidean2D.Point(1.0,2.0)

    it "extracts values", ->
      (expect @point[0]).toEqual 1.0
      (expect @point[1]).toEqual 2.0

Is there an error in CoffeeScript or in Jasmine ?? CoffeeScript或Jasmine中是否有错误?

Also all of it is in a module like: 而且所有这些都在一个模块中,例如:

@module = (names, fn) ->
  names = names.split '.' if typeof names is 'string'
  space = @[names.shift()] ||= {}
  space.module ||= @module
  if names.length
    space.module names, fn
    fn.call space

In the Chrome Console I get: 在Chrome控制台中,我得到:

a = new Euclidean2D.Point(1.0,2.0)
-> Point
b = new Float32Array([1.0,2.0])
-> Float32Array

EDIT: , again.. sorry 编辑:再次..对不起

Has solved using an combination of @brandizzi and @arnaud576875 answers. 已结合使用@brandizzi和@ arnaud576875答案来解决。 The @module prposed in the official CoffeeScript Wiki did not work. 官方CoffeeScript Wiki中规定的@module无效。 The result is: 结果是:

class @Point
        constructor: (x, y) ->
            return if Float32Array? then Float32Array([ x, y ]) else Array(x,y)

You should use new to instantiate the object: 您应该使用new实例化该对象:

p = new Euclidean2D.Point(1.0,2.0)

If you want to return an Array from the constructor, do it explicitly: 如果要从构造函数返回Array,请明确进行操作:

constructor: (x,y) -> 
  return if Float32Array? then Float32Array([x,y]) else Array(x,y)

(By default, Coffeescript doesn't return values from the constructor, so you have to do it explicitly.) (默认情况下,Coffeescript不会从构造函数中返回值,因此您必须显式地执行该操作。)

You could have done that, too: 您也可以这样做:

class @Point
  constructor: (x,y) ->
    @[0] = x
    @[1] = y    

You are defining a constructor but expecting that it behaves like a function. 您正在定义一个构造函数,但是期望它的行为像一个函数。 The constructor, however, just sets values in the object to be returned. 但是,构造函数只在要返回的对象中设置值。 Since your constructor does not set any attributes in the initializing object, it really does not useful. 由于构造函数没有在初始化对象中设置任何属性,因此它实际上没有用。

You have some alternatives: 您有一些选择:

  1. Initialize the class as @amaud sugested. 初始化类为@amaud提示。

  2. Returns the value from the constructor as @amaud sugested (which does not make much sense to me. This is not the function of a constructor as I feel it. In this case the solution #3 seems better). 从@amaud sugested中返回构造函数的值(对我而言这没有多大意义。按照我的感觉,这不是构造函数的功能。在这种情况下,解决方案#3似乎更好)。

  3. define a function instead of a class. 定义一个函数而不是一个类。 IMHO, is the most simple and functional solution 恕我直言,是最简单,最实用的解决方案

     @Point = (x, y) -> if Float32Array? then Float32Array([x,y]) else Array(x,y) 
  4. If you want Point to be either a specialization of Float32Array or Array , use the option #1 but make Point to inherit from the class you want: 如果希望PointFloat32ArrayArray ,请使用选项#1,但要使Point继承自所需的类:

     superclass = if Float32Array? then Float32Array else Array class @Point extends superclass constructor: (x,y) -> @[0] = x @[1] = y 

EDIT : @amaud676875 posted an interesting question as a comment. 编辑 :@ amaud676875发表了一个有趣的问题作为评论。 Since a reasonable answer would involve some code, I am posting the answer as a edit. 由于合理的答案将涉及一些代码,因此我将答案发布为编辑内容。

@amaud, for verifying your point, I wrote the following CoffeeScript module: @amaud,为了验证您的观点,我编写了以下CoffeeScript模块:

class Float32Array extends Array
  first: -> # Just for testing

superclass = if Float32Array? then Float32Array else Array

class @Point extends superclass
  constructor: (x,y) ->
    @[0] = x
    @[1] = y

Then I imported the module in the console: 然后,我将模块导入控制台:

coffee> point = require './point'
{ Point: { [Function: Point] __super__: [ constructor: [Object], first: [Function] ] },
 Float32Array: { [Function: Float32Array] __super__: [] } }

and created a Point : 并创建一个Point

 coffee> p = new point.Point 3, 2
 [ 3, 2 ]

This Point has the first() method from Float32Array : Point具有Float32Arrayfirst()方法:

 coffee> p.first()

and instanceof says it is an instance of Float32Array , too: instanceof表示它也是Float32Array的实例:

coffee> p instanceof point.Float32Array

So I bet new Point x, y returns an instance of Float32Array . 所以我押注new Point x, y返回一个Float32Array的实例。 Of course it is an instance of Point , too, and it is not a problem because Point is-a Float32Array , to use a classical OOP expression. 当然,它也是Point的实例,这也不是问题,因为Point Float32Array ,可以使用经典的OOP表达式。

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