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[英]NoRouteToHostException with DatagramChannel bound to wildcard address

I am having trouble with this combination: I would like to bind both my sending and receiving datagram channels to system-picked port and IP ( not loopback and not localhost). 我在使用这种组合时遇到了麻烦:我想将发送和接收的数据报通道都绑定到系统选择的端口和IP( 不是环回, 也不是 localhost)。 In the following example, this works all fine when I use "old I/O" aka DatagramSocket (case 1), but it fails with NoRouteToHostException using NIO aka DatagramChannel (case 3). 在以下示例中,当我使用“旧I / O”又称为DatagramSocket (情况1)时,此方法一切正常,但使用NIO又称为DatagramChannel (情况3)时, NoRouteToHostException而失败。

My API is all based around InterruptibleChannel and the socket created via new DatagramSocket doesn't have a channel associated, so I need to get this working with DatagramChannel.open() . 我的API都基于InterruptibleChannel并且通过new DatagramSocket创建的套接字没有关联的通道,因此我需要使用DatagramChannel.open()来使其工作。 A stupid workaround is case 2, where I temporarily "connect" the channel. 一种愚蠢的解决方法是情况2,在这里我临时“连接”了通道。 So this might help answer why case 3 fails... 因此,这可能有助于回答案例3失败的原因...

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.channels.*;

public class Test {
   public static void main( String[] args ) {
      try { test(); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); }
   public static void test() throws IOException {   
      DatagramChannel tgt = DatagramChannel.open();
      tgt.socket().bind( new InetSocketAddress( 0 ));
      SocketAddress tgtAddr = tgt.socket().getLocalSocketAddress();          
      byte[] data = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

      System.out.println( "Sending 1..." ); // ok!
      DatagramSocket src1 = new DatagramSocket( new InetSocketAddress( 0 ));
      src1.send( new DatagramPacket( data, data.length, tgtAddr ));

      System.out.println( "Sending 2..." ); // ok!
      DatagramChannel src2 = DatagramChannel.open();
      src2.socket().bind( new InetSocketAddress( 0 ));
      src2.connect( tgtAddr );
      ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.wrap( data );
      src2.write( b );

      System.out.println( "Sending 3..." ); // fails!
      DatagramChannel src3 = DatagramChannel.open();
      src3.socket().bind( new InetSocketAddress( 0 ));
      src3.socket().send( new DatagramPacket( data, data.length, tgtAddr ));

You're trying to send to the address that 'tgt' is bound to, which is the wildcard address. 您正在尝试 'tgt'绑定到的地址发送到通配符地址。 I'm surprised that it works at all. 我很惊讶它完全起作用。 You have to supply a proper target IP address, not 您必须提供正确的目标IP地址,而不是0.0.0.0。

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