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[英]open child window inside a parent window in wpf using MVVM

I have a window called "DashBoard" window. 我有一个名为“ DashBoard”的窗口。 This window appears after user sucessfully logs in. Now I wanted to open child window called "Memberlist"inside the Dashboard when user select an option from menu item. 用户成功登录后,将显示此窗口。现在,当用户从菜单项中选择一个选项时,我想在仪表板内打开一个名为“成员列表”的子窗口。 User should not be able to pullout "Memberlist" window from "Dashboard" window. 用户不应从“仪表盘”窗口中拉出“成员列表”窗口。

DashboardView.xmal (Parent Window) DashboardView.xmal(父窗口)

<Window x:Class="MyProject.DashboardView"
    Title="My Project: Dashboard" Height="600" Width="800" WindowState="Maximized"    
    <Menu Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="menu1" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
        <MenuItem Header="_File" >
            <MenuItem Header="View Memberlist…" Command="{Binding 
Path=DisplayMemberlistCommand}" />

MemberlistView.xaml (Child Window) MemberlistView.xaml(子窗口)

<Window x:Class="MyProject.MemberlistView"
    Title="View Memberlist" Height="400" Width="806">
    <Grid Height="383" Width="1179">
     <toolkit:DataGrid x:Name="dgMemberlist" 
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MemberList}"
                      AutoGenerateColumns="False" Margin="21,57,422,106"
                      SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedMemberItem, 
                <toolkit:DataGridTextColumn Header="Export ID" Width="100"   
Binding="{Binding MemberfullName}" IsReadOnly="True" />



DashboardViewModel.cs DashboardViewModel.cs

private ICommand _displayMemberlistCommand;
public ICommand DisplayMemberlistCommand
            if (_displayMemberlistCommand == null)
                _displayMemberlistCommand = new RelayCommand(a=>DoDisplayMemberlist(), 
            return _displayMemberlistCommand;
            _displayMemberlistCommand = value;

        private void DoDisplayMemberlist() 
            DashboardView dv = new DashboardView();
            MemberlistView mlWindow = new MemberlistView ();
            mlWindow.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
            mlWindow .Show();

I would recommend not referencing the Views in the ViewModel. 我建议不要在ViewModel中引用视图。 Instead, create a MemberListViewModel , and use a DataTemplate to display it. 而是创建一个MemberListViewModel ,并使用DataTemplate进行显示。

So your DashBoardViewModel would have a 因此,您的DashBoardViewModel将有一个

ViewModelBase CurrentView {get; set;}

property, and on ShowMemberListCommand simply sets 属性,并在ShowMemberListCommand简单地设置

CurrentView = new MemberListViewModel();

Your DashboardView would contain 您的DashboardView将包含

<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentView}">
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MemberViewModel}">
            <local:MemberView />

As long as CurrentView is null , the control is never visible. 只要CurrentViewnull ,该控件就永远不可见。 Once you execute the command to show the MemberView , CurrentView gets set to a MemberViewModel and the ContentControl gets populated 一旦执行了显示MemberView的命令, CurrentView将被设置为MemberViewModel ,并且ContentControl将被填充

Since I did not know the technical term, it took me longer to find solution. 由于我不知道专业术语,因此我花了更长的时间找到解决方案。 I was refereeing to MDI (Multiple Document Interface). 我正在审阅MDI(多文档界面)。 I found very good example with sample code on this URL http://wpfmdi.codeplex.com/ 我在此URL http://wpfmdi.codeplex.com/上找到了非常好的示例代码示例


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