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[英]How to make a website in PHP work both in HTTP and HTTPS?

I have a website that was written assuming http:// is one and only protocol forever. 我有一个网站,假设http://是永远的唯一协议。 Now i bought a SSL certificate but when i visit site calling it with https:// i get info in browsers that part of site is insecure. 现在,我购买了SSL证书,但是当我访问使用https://调用它的网站时,我在浏览器中获得了该网站部分不安全的信息。 As i found i have some JS, CSS and images and files that i refer to using http:// in the HTML of the site. 当我发现我有一些JS,CSS,图像和文件时,我在网站的HTML中使用http://来引用。

So what is best practice to enable full https? 那么启用完整https的最佳实践是什么? Should i change my website in every place when i refer to image, CSS or JS, check if site was loaded with http or https and load the resource with according protocol? 当我引用图像,CSS或JS时,是否应该在每个地方更改网站,检查网站是否加载了http或https,并根据协议加载了资源? It seems like a lot of work for me and bit error prone. 这对我来说似乎需要大量工作,并且容易出错。 Is there any other way, easier to make the whole site fully secure? 还有其他方法可以更轻松地使整个站点完全安全吗?


Use relative paths. 使用相对路径。 If you are pointing to something that is on the same site as yours, then you should not be using http:// 如果您要指向与您位于同一网站上的内容,则不应使用http://

If for some reason you still need to have http:// then just switch them all to https://. 如果由于某种原因您仍然需要http://,则只需将它们全部切换为https://。 An http:// will never complain because it is pointing to https:// stuff, but an https:// page will complain if it is pointing to non-https stuff. http://永远不会抱怨,因为它指向https://东西,但是如果https://页面指向非https东西,它将抱怨。

If you are pointing to content outside of your control, on another site for example, then you need to hope that you can get at that content via https instead. 如果您指向的内容超出了您的控制范围,例如在另一个站点上,那么您希望希望可以通过https来获取该内容。 If you can't, then you're hosed and you either need to live with the error, get the content from somewhere else, or proxy the content through your own https connection. 如果不能这样做,那么您将陷入困境,或者要么忍受错误,要么从其他地方获取内容,或者通过自己的https连接代理内容。

To complement @drew010 's answer, you could use other domains and still refer to the current protocol with // , something like: 为了补充@ drew010的答案,您可以使用其他域,并仍然使用//引用当前协议,例如:

<img src="/pics/home.png" />
<img src="//my-cdn.com/pics/info.png" />

The latter example will point to https://.. from https://your-site.com and http://... from http://your-site.com . 后者的例子将指向https://..https://your-site.comhttp://...http://your-site.com

the best practice would be either using relative path rather than absolute but sometimes absolute is a better option so you can do the following : 最佳做法是使用相对路径而不是绝对路径,但有时绝对路径是更好的选择,因此您可以执行以下操作:

as I can imagine you have a file called config.php or common.php (a file that stores your common used vars and you include it in every page), so put this code there : 正如我可以想象的那样,您有一个名为config.php或common.php的文件(该文件存储了您常用的var,并将其包含在每个页面中),因此请将此代码放在此处:

function selfURL() {
$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? '' 
    : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s" : "";
$protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s;
$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

function strleft($s1, $s2) {
return substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2));

and then you can assign a var called $http to get the value of the function like : $http = selfURL(); 然后,您可以分配一个名为$http的变量来获取函数的值,例如: $http = selfURL(); and then whenever you want to include anything like images, css, etc do something like : 然后,每当您要包含图像,css等内容时,请执行以下操作:
<img src="<?=$http?>images/sample.png" />

this method is reliable as it works in any situation. 该方法在任何情况下均有效,因此是可靠的。

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