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[英]Issue with String.split

I am kinda new to C#. 我是C#的新手。 A problem when using split. 使用拆分时出现问题。 I thought it returned a string array. 我以为它返回了一个字符串数组。 But once it gets to the last line below it crashes and says I cant access it. 但是一旦它到达下面的最后一行就会崩溃并说我无法访问它。 Out of bounds. 出界。 Even though in the split it would have found multiple '~'. 即使在分裂中它也会发现多个'〜'。 Any solutions to my problem? 我问题的任何解决方案?

String tempString = " ";

        while ((tempString = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
            String [] split = tempString.Split('~');

            typeOfVehicle = split[0];
            manufactuer = split[1];

Thanks very much 非常感谢

Question solved. 问题解决了。

You are assuming that when you split the string you will have at least 2 elements. 您假设在拆分字符串时,您将拥有至少2个元素。 Never assume. 永远不要假设 Always check the length of the array before you attempt to access an index. 在尝试访问索引之前,请始终检查阵列的长度。

Just catch the exception and you'll soon see that you have a problem with the string you're reading. 只是catch异常,你很快就会发现你正在阅读的字符串有问题。

String[] split = tempString.Split('~');

    typeOfVehicle = split[0];
    manufactuer = split[1];
    Console.WriteLine("Oops! It didn't work.");
    Console.WriteLine("The offending string was \"{0}\"", tempString);

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