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[英]Python variable scope issue

Python script: Python脚本:

def show(name):
    def getName():
        return _name
    def setName(value):
        _name = value
    _name = ''
    print('Input parameter: ', name)
    print('Global variable: ', say_hello)
    print('Change private variable: ', setName(name))
    print('Get private variable: ', getName())
    print('Private variable: ', _name)
    print('Input parameter: ', name)
say_hello = 'hello'

Output: 输出:

Input parameter: Jim
Global variable: hello Change
private variable: None
Get private variable:
Private variable:
Input parameter: Jim 

Why doesn't the inner function change the value of _name , yet the function show can get the value of say_hello ? 内部函数为什么不更改_name的值,而show函数可以获取say_hello的值? I know it's a variable scope problem, but I want to know some detail. 我知道这是一个可变范围的问题,但我想知道一些细节。

Assignments in functions are assigned in the functions local scope. 功能分配在功能本地范围内分配。 setName assigns _name in the local scope in setName , the outer _name is unaffected. setNamesetName的本地范围内分配_name ,外部_name不受影响。

In Python 2.X, it is possible to assign to the module global scope by using the global statement, but not to an outer local scope. 在Python 2.X中,可以使用global语句分配给模块全局范围,而不是外部局部范围。

Python 3.X adds the nonlocal statement (see PEP-3104 for details if you are interested). Python 3.X添加了nonlocal语句(如果您有兴趣,请参阅PEP-3104了解详细信息)。 In your example, nonlocal could be used in setName to assign to the outer local scope. 在您的示例中,可以在setName中使用nonlocal来分配给外部本地范围。

This blog post discusses variable scoping in Python with some nice examples and workarounds (see example 5 specifically). 这篇博客文章讨论了Python中的变量作用域,并提供了一些不错的示例和变通方法(具体请参见示例5)。

_name is, in this case, local to the setName() function, as every variable name is when assigned to in a function. 在这种情况下, _namesetName()函数的局部变量,因为每个变量名都是在函数中分配的。

Unless you have a global statement, or in 3.x, a nonlocal statement - which would help you in this case. 除非您有global语句或在3.x中使用nonlocal语句,否则在这种情况下会有所帮助。

Why not moving show as a say_hello method? 为什么不将show作为say_hello方法移动?

class SayHello(unicode):
    _name = u""
    def get_name(self):
        return self._name

    def set_name(self, value):
        self._name = value

    def show(self, name):
        self.name = name
        print(self, self.name)

    name = property(get_name, set_name)

say_hello = SayHello('hello')

You should avoid using global variables if not strictly necessary. 如果非绝对必要,则应避免使用全局变量。

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