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将null作为SQLParameter DateTime值传递

[英]Passing null as SQLParameter DateTime value

I have the following query: 我有以下查询:


            VALUES(@tnrProfile, @forwardMail, @forwardSms, @forwardMessages,
                    @MoFrom1, @MoFrom2, @MoFrom3, @MoTo1, @MoTo2, @MoTo3,
                    @TuFrom1, @TuFrom2, @TuFrom3, @TuTo1, @TuTo2, @TuTo3,
                    @WeFrom1, @WeFrom2, @WeFrom3, @WeTo1, @WeTo2, @WeTo3,
                    @ThFrom1, @ThFrom2, @ThFrom3, @ThTo1, @ThTo2, @ThTo3,
                    @FrFrom1, @FrFrom2, @FrFrom3, @FrTo1, @FrTo2, @FrTo3,
                    @SaFrom1, @SaFrom2, @SaFrom3, @SaTo1, @SaTo2, @SaTo3,
                    @SuFrom1, @SuFrom2, @SuFrom3, @SuTo1, @SuTo2, @SuTo3);

I add my DateTime parameters as follows: 我添加我的DateTime参数如下:

SqlParameter moFrom1Param = new SqlParameter("@MoFrom1", dTOForwarding.MoFrom1);
            moFrom1Param.IsNullable = true;
            moFrom1Param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
            moFrom1Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime;

When I execute this, but only give an actual datetime to certain parameters and all the rest is null. 当我执行此操作时,只给出某些参数的实际日期时间,其余的都为空。 So to be clear, all parameters from monday till wednesday have a datetime value. 所以要明确的是,从星期一到星期三的所有参数都有一个日期时间值。 The rest thursday till sunday hasn't. 周四休息,直到周日没有。 So those are passed as null. 所以那些传递为null。 I get an error like this: 我收到这样的错误:

The parameterized query '(@tnrProfile int,@forwardMail bit,@forwardSms bit,@forwardMessag' expects the parameter '@ThFrom1', which was not supplied.

I have looked for some answers here on stackoverflow and google, but the answers I've found never worked for me.. 我在stackoverflow和google上找了一些答案,但我发现的答案从来没有对我有用..

So my question is, how can I make sure that if my DateTime parameter has null as value, that value is understood by sql and actually passed as null instead of telling me the parameter was not supplied. 所以我的问题是,我怎样才能确保如果我的DateTime参数的值为null,则该值由sql理解并实际传递为null而不是告诉我参数未提供。

Hope someone here can help me. 希望有人在这里可以帮助我。

Thanks. 谢谢。

edit: This is the solution: 编辑:这是解决方案:

SqlParameter moFrom1Param = new SqlParameter("@MoFrom1", dTOForwarding.MoFrom1 == null ?
                (Object)DBNull.Value : dTOForwarding.MoFrom1);
            moFrom1Param.IsNullable = true;
            moFrom1Param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
            moFrom1Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime;
SqlParameter moFrom1Param = new SqlParameter("@MoFrom1", dTOForwarding.MoFrom1 == null ? DBNull.Value : dTOForwarding.MoFrom1);
            moFrom1Param.IsNullable = true;
            moFrom1Param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
            moFrom1Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.DateTime;

Have you tried DBNull.Value ? 你试过DBNull.Value吗?

SqlParameter moFrom1Param;
if (dTOForwarding.MoFrom1 != null)
    moFrom1Param = new SqlParameter("@MoFrom1", dTOForwarding.MoFrom1);  
    moFrom1Param = new SqlParameter("@MoFrom1", DBNull.Value);  

also, your code shows "@MoFrom1" but the error is about @ThFrom1 此外,您的代码显示“@ MoFrom1”,但错误与@ ThFrom1有关

Use the null coalescing operator ?? 使用null合并运算符 ?? in conjuction with DBNull.Value : DBNull.Value

SqlParameter moFrom1Param;

moFrom1Param = new SqlParameter( "@MoFrom1", dTOForwarding.MoFrom1 ?? DBNull.Value );  

Modifying the stored procedure works, but I think its a bit sloppy. 修改存储过程是有效的,但我认为它有点草率。

You can handle it in code, this work for me: 你可以在代码中处理它,这对我有用:

        DateTime? myDate;

    if (TextBoxWithDate.Text != "")
        myDate = DateTime.Parse(TextBoxWithDate.Text);
        myDate = null;

Make myDate DateTime type but nullable, if the value from the text box is null, make myDate null and send it to the stored procedure. 使myDate DateTime类型可以为空,如果文本框中的值为null,则将myDate设为null并将其发送到存储过程。

it looks like you are not assigning the null value, something like this: 看起来你没有分配空值,如下所示:

var thFrom1Param = new SqlParameter("@ThFrom1", SqlDbType.SqlDateTime);
thFrom1Param.Value = DBNull.Value;
thFrom1Param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

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