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[英]How to read a Version 2 Sqlite database from .Net?

Seems that System.Data.SQLite supports only version 3. What to use to read version 2? 似乎System.Data.SQLite仅支持版本3.使用什么来读取版本2? I don't want to use the sqlite3.dll directly because it only supports 32 bit. 我不想直接使用sqlite3.dll ,因为它只支持32位。

From SQLite docs : 来自SQLite文档

Format 2 adds the ability of rows within the same table to have a varying number of columns, in order to support the ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN functionality. 格式2添加了同一个表中的行的能力,以具有不同数量的列,以支持ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN功能。 Support for reading and writing format 2 was added in SQLite version 3.1.3 on 2005-02-19. 在2005-02-19的SQLite版本3.1.3中添加了对读写格式2的支持。

Latest version of SQLite for .NET is actually here (not at phxsoftware.com anymore). 最新版本的SQLite for .NET实际上就在这里 (不再是phxsoftware.com了)。 They distribute x86 and x64 bit versions. 它们分发x86和x64位版本。 The latest release supports SQLite so it should be able to read V2 file. 最新版本支持SQLite,因此它应该能够读取V2文件。 Take a look at this answer for some details. 看一下这个答案的一些细节。

Did you check out http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/ ? 你看过http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/了吗? Their latest version has a x64 ADO.NET provider for SQLite 3. 他们的最新版本为SQLite 3提供了x64 ADO.NET提供程序。

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